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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. He's definitely a c**t. He was purposely playing abroad so that he did not have to pay child maintenance. That's why he had a very short term deal with Aberdeen.
  2. McLean etc have extended their broadcast deal with the club.
  3. Would prefer we see who else is available before jumping in but he's done a job so far.
  4. Wonder if they realise signings will be the driver behind season ticket sales?
  5. They did say the next update would be from Wick (at the Q&A) so this must be it. Will be season ticket stuff I'd imagine.
  6. From what I have seen at him at Motherwell he was always the player trusted to take the ball out from the back. Didn't think he was terrible at it.
  7. Almost every Motherwell fan is on your page saying they couldn't care less if he leaves for Aberdeen. What is there to be excited about?
  8. I think he's definitely overrated. A couple of fantastic performances for Scotland have seen his stock rise. Taylor and Hoban are probably off and I'm not a big fan of Considine playing CB in a 4 man defence so this is where we're at.
  9. I'm happy enough that we look to be signing him as we're very short at the back depth wise for a start but the 'gun to the head' stuff in January still makes me cringe. It's obviously not his dream or ambition to play for Aberdeen so one good season and we could be hearing the same.
  10. I'd give it to Doig. Ferguson would have been the obvious candidate if the season finished in October but he has been off the boil for months. Turnbull didn't play for months. Has come on to a game but enough to be considered? I don't think so. Patterson is just daft.
  11. Yeah. He was watching Darren Hunter being taken in after his arrest.
  12. MY vote will go where the good people of Iran want it to go.
  13. Yeah. It will be mentioned somewhere in the new strip reveal but ignored as everyone has a meltdown about the away strip.
  14. I don't think there has been anything to say we are not with Adidas. I'd be happy enough with that.
  15. If anything it showed they'd learned from the previous mistake and came in with a plan.
  16. Hahaha. That gave me a good laugh. Wouldn't say I dislike the boy but players like him who have all the talent in the world but didn't seem to take the game as seriously as he could annoy me. Probably more out of jealousy. EDIT: Apologies if I've taken the thread off topic there
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