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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Tbf he did cover that in the new manager announcement he did previously.
  2. From what I had seen RWB seemed ideal for Hernandez. Logan of four years ago would have excelled there too. I took him at face value last night and will give him the benefit of doubt. Also opened my eyes to a whole new world with rowies. Slicing them open?!?!
  3. Must have went ok as we've had no Hibees or even @RandomGuy. On laughing at us.
  4. THREE assists for the centre back playing left of the 3. Imagine how much we'd have score if we played four defenders!!!!!
  5. Glad we didn't have a centre half stepping up the park to put in a cross for the goal.
  6. I couldn't take issue with anything really and I'm fairly critical of the man. Aye. Was thinking that. Still not sure if that's wages for playing staff or everyone involved.
  7. He was easily the best right back in the league for a couple of years. We played him to death and then wasn't the same after an injury. When his legs started to go it was noticeable how reliant he was on his pace for recovery.
  8. The whole point is that they don't leave gaps so you try to drag the frpm position i.e centre halves stepping forward.
  9. For the life off me I can't understand why the Celtic captain defending a racist became an issue for the media when he signed a pre-contract agreement with Aberdeen. You'd think it may have come up last summer when players began taking the knee. I say this as someone who condemned jus comments at the time and again recently.
  10. Anyone who thinks this is anything to do with Scott Brown is looking a bit too much in to things.
  11. I think 18 months is generous Joey. I wouldn't have given him his last deal. Played him to death as we never managed to get decent cover in for him unfortunately. As for the Brown and Logan thing, I'd imagine they'd have been able to put any animosity aside very quickly as teammates.
  12. Aye. Apparently asked not to be on the bench so an extra youth player gets involved.
  13. An absolutely hilarious after dinner speaker. Had me in tears. Apologies for a million posts. Didn't expect to reply to so many.
  14. Craig Browns grandson was on the books at Killie at some point years ago. Pascale was his favourite player as he was the only one that thanked the ball boys for collecting the ball for him
  15. Such a small, tiny gesture yet would have made all the boys feel amazing.
  16. Ally was coming to the end of his career when I first started going to Pittodrie but was always weird to see an opposition player (a *** at that) signing autographs as he was walking along to warm up behind the Merkland end.
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