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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. This is a pretty good post until the last paragraph Paulo. I can tell you that for the past 18-24 months I looked back wistfully on the first 4-5 years of the McInnes era. This appointment could be the wrong one. At the same time we were in relegation form under Derek with no chance of turning it around. His time was up.
  2. I don't think Scott Brown cares what any of us think tbh.
  3. Seems Blackford has accepted the explanation and has asked everyone to move on.
  4. 20ish years with a good 2 year period was enough, thanks!
  5. I don't think anyone should be negative about it. He's not even given an interview let alone lost a match yet
  6. Aye. No sense in being negative when you've screamed for change. Appears to be the #mcinnesout losers who are most upset. Dunno what they expected. Underwhelming for sure but at least give it a chance.
  7. That's right, he forced two players who tried to force their way out of the club on several occasions out the door as part of a plan to get Stephen Glass in the door. McKenna's funds were used to fill the massive hole in the finances caused by running Cormack Park whilst taking in next to no income. On Cosgrove, why the f**k would you give a departing manager the guts of £1m to spend when you're already unhappy with the quality of signings he's made.
  8. If anything the wingers might learn how to cross a ball.
  9. They know they were going to get an underwhelming reaction. "Head coach' would have had the Aberdeen da's and sportsound in uproar.
  10. Who would have known that signing players with a history of injury along with rushing players back from muscle injuries would lead to a culture of injuries at the club?!
  11. And what if Glass doesn't want to go back to Atlanta?
  12. Yeah this is spot on. I'm talking about folk raging with the appointment or Scott Brown coming in. I find it hard to believe he's been as thorough as he claimed he would be but at the same time he's there to make the decisions. Time to walk the walk.
  13. There's no real point getting up nor down about it. If it's Glass then I'm absolutely certain he'll be very well backed by Cormack.
  14. I have no issue with Scott Brown being involved with the coaching set up at Pittodrie. Can't say I'm too enamoured with the thought of him playing though.
  15. Just around the corner from my house. Stomach was turning most of the afternoon.
  16. What level is stormzy at the moment lads? Claiming he's not bothered, claiming he's only trolling or spunking his red dot load?
  17. Should Aberdeen appoint Neil just because he's available? What if he's not able to follow the clubs vision?
  18. That's exactly why I'm not getting myself up nor down about it.
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