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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. It's no real coincidence that the OF fans band together when they are both accused of getting favourable decisions. Both happy to scream murder when they think the other one is given an advantage though.
  2. Let's be honest here. If he goes to another Scottish club, he's going too well. That's my only real fear about him going. His time is up but he's still a very good manager. I just think he's taken us as far as he can. Next appointment must be spot on.
  3. I think Bogbrush is talking about a 'good for the dressing room' type effect. Logan will end up at Cove IMO.
  4. Clarke wants McTominay in defence as he doesn't have a right sided CB who can play out from the back. Until he does there won't be a change.
  5. I think it's crazy that anybody thought they'd go on a run like that. Whilst ~I didn't expect them to falter, Man Utd never won more than 3 on the bounce and the only real challenge they had was from Arsenal. Look at the money involved now. Not just from a player transfer point of view but from the money teams put in to analysis and scouting. To do what you're suggesting teams will have to evolve before they realise their style of play has been nullified. No team will be as dominant as Man Utd in the near future. This. Unfortunately. It is a nonsense rule but it is the rule.
  6. Could you show your working regarding 'been exposed as average in the English Championship'? His defensive stats at Aberdeen were brilliant. Forrest fans to a man seem to think he'll be off in the summer if they don't win promotion.
  7. Absolutely this. I don't think the referees are consciously bias. I think they're shit scared of all the flak that comes with it afterwards. It must be a nightmare seeing your name in the paper, hearing it on the radio questioning how good you are at your job because you've made a mistake. I couldn't tell you who the ref was that made the mistake last night but you certainly know who it was when it is a decision that goes against either of the Old Firm. In regards to the overall quality of referees, I thought the ref for the Aberdeen v Livi game on Tuesday was awful. Almost every 50/50 decision for throw ins went in our favour when you could see from a mile away that it was a Livi throw. You then have the other extreme of Lewis Ferguson collecting a booking for being second to the ball for a header. It was absolutely a foul but never a yellow. It was nowhere near as bad as the 'challenge' on GMS in the league cup final a few years ago and there was no mention that we should have had a pen there. Lewis then made a late challenge later in to the game where he was lucky to escape a second booking and the referee didn't bother to have a word with him. Aye. Seen this levelled at you a few times when you've been very honest and opinion about your support for independence.
  8. I've no axe to grind with Hibs so I'll probably buy it.
  9. It's that or taking an educated gamble. We done the same with Jonny Hayes before he went to Celtic.
  10. How did Aberdeen benefit from Curtis Main remaining on the pitch?!
  11. Liverpool not get an espresso and redbull at halftime?
  12. Nah, can't agree. We were messing about with Gavin Rae and Stephen Smith CM. Rob Milson at LM and Ryan Jack at RB.
  13. A midfield 3 of any of Ferguson, McCrorie, McGeouch or Campbell should be more than capable of winning the battle against any team in the league.
  14. The weather was a massive issue last night. Livi used it to their advantage and we did not. Why we persisted with kicking a long ball in to the wind is beyond me. Campbell came on and immediately at the beginning of the second half he played a ball down the line and around the defender. We'd been screaming out for that all first half.
  15. @Frank Grimes while I agree with you that it's time for change, I can't agree that it is as bad as pre-McInnes.
  16. I didn't mean yourself. Your issue was with the man himself and not his role. I'm on about the "goalkeeper can't be captain!" types. If your line of thought is Lewis is getting complacent due to no real competition then I'd agree. Cerny could have done a job for most teams in the league. Fans of Hamilton didn't think Woods was good enough to play for them. As far as back up keepers go, I would have said the only team with a better one than ours was the ****. I don't think the team falls to pieces when he specifically fucks up. I think the team falls apart if we lose the first goal in general. Probably in line with what you say that if we go a goal down then we're going to struggle to win. I agree the summer seems logical but the way things are going fifth could become a very real possibility. Regardless of how well coached or managed they are, Livi should be nowhere near us. I'm not claiming Martindale is the messiah but as he's essentially ran the show for Livi in the background for years then you have to wonder what could be done on our budget. I don't even think the manager is a critical appointment. I'd rather see a DoF come in with a chosen philosophy and managers/head coaches to suit. If your manager is successful and poached then you already have similar guys in line to approach as you would do with a player.
  17. Looks like I could have a more bitter taste in my mouth at the end of the season than I originally thought! Ha, my bad.
  18. Isn't third place guaranteed group stage in the Europa Conference?
  19. Maybe not but it's irrelevant if they finish third and get group stage football.
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