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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Yeah I think this is the best scenario. Don't discount the ACC fucking it up either.
  2. Aye. Nice photo of him back when he could actually play.
  3. We've done this to death on here but basically the council are willing to have the stadium in the clubs preferred location. They've rejected applications for this area previously which forced our hand in to looking at the shire. Club would be daft not to consider it. Especially as the council are asking for it to be included as part of the beach front regeneration.
  4. I think he's one of the only players they have that would have been fussed about 10IAR. Now that's gone I think he fancies his chances down the road.
  5. When we played Hearts in our opener Ojo came deep and it worked really well. He was collecting goal kicks from Lewis and created a lot of space. His early injury ruined his chances here. By the time he returned we had Ferguson to do that job.
  6. Lewis' kicking is almost always good. The issue is he'll let the ball come to him rather than go meet it. Puts himself under unnecessary pressure.
  7. Have to agree with this. It normally goes long out of necessity. We spend too long passing it between centrebacks, full/wingbacks and centre mids. Invite pressure and then go long. The lone striker is then isolated and if he does win the ball there is nobody to pass it to. A big part of this issue is neither Taylor or Considine are too comfy on the ball. Both like a couple of touches to set themselves up. Hoban is much better at playing out and why it was really noticeable when McKenna left. When we do manage to pass the ball out of defence quickly we get a lot of success with it. But as Dons points out we've then lost it with poor decision making in the final third.
  8. If he wasn't Ireland captain he'd be nowhere near Celtic. I posted at the time that he's a millionaires Ash Taylor. I've seen nothing to dispel that.
  9. 1. He's not good enough to build a good team around him. That's why Rangers didn't do it. That's why Aberdeen didn't do it. Even Birmingham didn't do it. 2. You're entitled to your opinion. I couldn't really care less, as you don't about mine.
  10. You thought Greg Stewart would be a great signing for Rangers too so I wouldn't trust your eye for talent pal
  11. I didn't say they were? What they do is look at the stats, see where a team is lacking and then look for players who can improve this based o their stats. A more moneyball approach (that isn't for everyone) than your traditional "sign him because he scores lots of goals". Again I am not saying I could see it happening. I just found it interesting.
  12. Have you seen Willian in an Arsenal jersey? Arsenal aren't exactly flush with cash and could be seen as a cheap back up option. I'm not saying I agree with it but his numbers have to justify it before the Athletic are running with that.
  13. Yeah you are spot on. Especially when he said the stuff about not analysis games for a long time. The Athletic seem to think he'd be a good, budget fit for Arsenal.
  14. I couldn't believe Lennon wasn't binned in November. With the poor run we've had they should have been out of sight.
  15. Ibra's going to have some job proving that wasn't racist. Had to laugh at Maldini's comments. "As a balanced man." https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/30/paolo-maldini-hits-out-at-romelu-lukaku-after-zlatan-ibrahimovic-bust-up-13992464/
  16. Have to hold my hands up and admit I was wetting the bed until the Kamberi news today. On paper a fantastic window.
  17. Yes. We were playing some really good stuff near the beginning of the season but Cosgrove and Main really struggled with the build up play.
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