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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Ach, he's allowed a bit of fun. I'm more concerned about the final three sentences.
  2. You'll probably get a surprise when you check how little minutes he's had. Dortmund have a different philosophy than Chelsea, unfortunately. Dortmund are all about signing young players, maximising their value and then selling them on. Rinse and repeat. Chelsea it's about signing big, winning trophies and if you can't do that then you're out. It's probably better looking at what he did at PSG and I speak of no knowledge of how he treated youth there. The core principles with the owners seem to be the same though. I'd love to see him get more of a look in. I just don't see it happening. Desperate to be wrong though.
  3. I presume there's a bit of face saving from Carlisle. There should be questions asked on why a player (who wasn't rated by their staff) went to a higher level for peanuts and was then sold for around 100 times that figure.
  4. But you didn't do it for them!!!11 They're not going to take the moral high ground here.
  5. He was injured and was clear for all to see he'd have a job getting in when he returned. Chelsea are overloaded with midfielders in his position.
  6. As much as this will annoy folk... doesn't his xG from last season prove it wasn't a sustainable run of form? I'm sure I've seen you post it before.
  7. "We always work two windows ahead". You have to believe that's garbage when we pick up Taylor etc. Saying that it would have been two windows after Main put us out of the cup
  8. Does it not worry you that we're enquiring in the first place? There's been interest in Cosgrove for a year.
  9. In other news...at least this dafty waited until he'd joined his new club to make his WATP post.
  10. So what I suggested months ago and had you tell me I was wrong?
  11. Would I take Hendry to replace Main full time? Probably. Would I take him on loan for 6 months? No.
  12. Apparently was on Radio Clyde. Scenes if this happens. Edit:
  13. Well next season is the last season you'll require soft loans. I disagree. I'm willing to let you see your champions League draw before committing
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