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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Found it very funny that you were laughing at us for claiming a goal to then do it yourself minutes later. Nothing personal.
  2. Aye. From the replay you saw he did well to get something decent on it. Loved the subtle nudge before it rather than the Cosgrove style wrestling move. That was shocking.
  3. The press looks better with McLennan up top. Some good play but as usual it's all too slow in the final third.
  4. Even if not moving it's probably not ideal to risk £3mish profit days before the window.
  5. We'd all love it to get exposure through better games. We'll struggle whilst teams are forced to contantly sell their best players as we're underfunded in comparison to the carnival down the road. Any neutral watching one league then the other would see ours looks like a pub league in contrast and gives them an excuse to turn the channel. Higher viewing figures gives us a better chance of a better tv deal.
  6. Anderson is on the bench. McLennan was a striker all the way through the youth squads.
  7. Looks like a back 4. Wright dropped. McLennan up top with Hedges, Hayes and Kennedy behind. Unless I'm wrong and Leigh is at wb of course.
  8. Doesn't bother you and that's fair enough. Makes us look tinpot compared to the game down the road that is broadcast on the same channel immediately after our game.
  9. To me it's not so much what they show. It's how they show it. A non OF game on sky usually get's 15-30 mins build up. Crystal Palace v West Brom will get an OF style build up. We're essentially telling the world only 2 teams really matter in the league.
  10. I'd happily go with Hornby. Technically decent when I've seen him for the U21's. I'd not be against giving McLennan a shot up top.
  11. I was wondering if he could be Mephisto. He seemed pretty worried that Monica had managed to get in to Westview. I'm probably way off though.
  12. Anyone else not trust the 'Acting' Sword director at all?
  13. Of course he should. Should also receive credit for selling McKenna.
  14. Rangers can also ban any supporter caught singing offensive songs.
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