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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Aye, he's just unlucky unfortunately. Better for the lad to get a break for next season anyway.
  2. We're in a fortunate position that only two players from our main XI have gone but we were in need of a rebuild anyway to be honest.
  3. He's not quite as good as Hibs fans thought he was (every team has players that their own fans will overrate) but he was more than good enough to walk in to that Celtic team.
  4. Swapped teams a million times though. Obviously nae right.
  5. Celtic fans are usually happy to tow the party line. It was clear to see to fans of every other club that they were acting the c**t. Interesting season ahead if your manager is allowed to spend it. Especially if we reap the benefits of Fraser being sold.
  6. https://medium.com/@eoghannmacleoid/changing-your-allegiance-74dedf14e527 Interesting read.
  7. That's the players we've decided won't get a contract.
  8. Was bizarre when he started to take pot shots at the other blog Phil thingy majig. Why anyone would donate to either is beyond my thinking.
  9. Well he's clearly done it so they all reply saying not to do it after he made such a spectacular c**t of himself.
  10. Phils rival offers his resignation: https://johnjamessite.com/ Hahahahaha.
  11. I'd always thought Djoum was a decent player. Just appears to be lacking something and I don't think he's going to find it if he signs for us.
  12. There's a video of Jack stumbling about Ocean Beach Club after being told to leave.
  13. Surprisingly lack of chat abut Jack and Dorrans getting a hiding. Unless I've missed it?
  14. Cosgroves best run of form came when he had May running around like a dafty up beside him. If we can get Main doing the same (bearing in mind he's stronger and probably faster) then it could work.
  15. Sounds like the typical footballer who doesn't want to stay but is publicly keeping his cards close to his chest. We're going through the same with GMS.
  16. It was the season before when Logan got most of his criticism. Looked to be back to something approaching his best before he got injured. Made a big difference to our team on his return from injury at seasons end. Taylor is not the worst defender about if he keeps it simple. Has at least one mistake in him per game though.
  17. Fantastic to see the reactions of the totally not bothered Celtic fans on the official afc tweet.
  18. Remains in Celtic fans heads rent free for an extra year.
  19. Where? Can't even see one post about this on twitter.
  20. Random loves to post that May hasn't been used properly. He's played everywhere across the front four in countless different systems. Rarely dropped until this season when McInnes decided to go with Stewart and Cosgrove. He just doesn't have it anymore.
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