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Dan Steele

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Posts posted by Dan Steele

  1. 1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

    Not sure that’s an example of bbc bias. It’s probably the only newsworthy thing that’s happened to them since they won the lottery, and I include their divorce in that.

    If the article had said they 'made a donation to a community football club, Partick Thistle and the Yes movement' we wouldn't be discussing it. 

  2. A classic from the BBC and how they frame debate and set the parameters - in the report about the Weirs  who are getting divorced  "defended making a donation of 1million pounds" to the indy fund from their lottery win.

    "Defended". Something the couple believed in and BBC turn it into a bad thing. Obviously just "making a donation" doesn't suit their way of seeing and shaping the story.

  3. Are they "jobs" or figurehead positions for the company that employs MPs? Clearly they don't work 9-5 so their input is minimal. The amount paid, obscene as it usually is, must be worth it for the company or it wouldn't do it. Of course it is a "business deal" to open doors for the company. Is it illegal? No. Does it cast the politician in a poor light? Probably



  4. 1 minute ago, Dele said:

    Don't think I've ever had any bad experiences with 'celebrities'. Definitely not footballers, any I've ever had an interaction with are usually spot on for the few seconds/minutes we spoke. It's the folk I've known who have become 'famous' that turned into arseholes.

    You can't leave it hanging like that. More info needed.

  5. 16 hours ago, Detournement said:

    I can't believe that there are people who actually believe Sturgeon is going to call a referendum in the next 12 months.

    She has no interest in Indyref2.

    That's quite a statement. Just a feeling, a wish, or are you an in-the-know trusted SNP adviser? 

  6. The Bourbon biscuit was created by the sister of Jack Daniels. It was served with a shot of Jack's whiskey and usually dunked. The tradition lives on but in coffee shops with those daft wee biscuits.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

    As alluded to in DAFC’s post. They changed the name as Stevie couldn’t distinguish between the two. Although to be fair, he struggled with the concept of black & white after the name change.

    Didn't struggle with the concept of black & white as much as Michael Jackson, though.

  8. In no particular order -

    Dr Feelgood - Down by the Jetty

    Television - Marquee Moon

    Talking Heads - 77

    Robert Palmer - Sneakin' Sally

    Clash - self titled

    Roxy Music - s/t

    B 52s - s/t

    Donald Fagen - The Nightfly

    Peter Gabriel - s/t

    Cocteau Twins - Garlands


  9. 13 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    I understand the SNP tactic of being able to say afterwards 'our hands were clean, we tried everything to avoid Brexit, and even when push came to shove backed the least worst option in Common Market 2.0).

    Also see the point about borders with regards to Scotland/England...however if we end up with the softest Brexit, or indeed no Brexit at all, it strengthens the No vote on two fronts. Firstly they will argue 'why put yourself through more turmoil and upheaval..look what it was like trying to leave a 40 odd year old union, how much harder would it be to leave a 400 year old one, and also...the UK is still on good terms with the EU, no guarantee that Scotland would be able to rejoin as an Independent nation equally etc'. I don't agree with either proposition, but they are the sort of soundbites that could shore up 'No'.

    Even in the current climate there has still not been much shift towards Indy, in the best polls it comes out around 52-48 No. So, even with the worst Westminster govt in history there hasn't been a groundswell. What would make the biggest difference is still a harder Brexit via some kind of May deal, which is then very much a material change of circumstance.

    The SNP will never go into a Westminster election claiming that it is a mandate for UDI, despite it having been policy for decades, they will always want a Ref route now.

    As others have said the Lib Dem and Independent group sell out on Common Market 2.0 tonight shouldn't be forgotten.

    Probably doesn't matter how Brexit unfolds as the No parties will use that type of argument anyway. I'm hopeful that the Brexit debacle and the conduct of Westminster will have many No voters at least giving an independent Scotland more credence when indy2 comes along. If people still think this is the best on offer I'd be surprised and hugely disappointed.

  10. 1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    1 hour ago, Colkitto said:
    Labour will also vote for Common Market 2.0.  Could be close or pass if enough Tories vote for it. Then May will ignore it if it does ….

    Why would Labour MPs from leave constituencies vote for Freedom of Movement. People in their areas don't give a f**k about a CU they only care about the immigrants. No way will they back this. Failed spectacularly last week and will again

    Labour could fully support Freedom of Movement as long as they hide these and hope everybody has forgotten.


  11. 8 minutes ago, Donathan said:


    Well ideally Chukka's Labour win the 2020 election.


    The point is May and the right wing nutjobs are nowhere near power and centrist Labour are electable.

    Have you factored in the possible wipe-out of Labour in Scotland as Labour insiders talk about in today's Times article?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Billy Rubin said:

    Sometimes I just don't understand people.   

    My normal day consists of arriving in Edinburgh about 08:45 and leaving in the ProCeed around 16:00.   There's a pedestrian crossing fairly close to Crewe Toll that's used by a Mother/Blonde Kid combo during these times.    When ever they wish to cross the  boy always pushes the circular button on the pelican crossing and that's excellent parenting, and whether I'm running late or not if huge tolerance towards this.    But...the mother allows the blonde haired boy to push the button on once he's crossed the road and it massively, and unnecessarily snags the flow of traffic for the southbound commuter.     

    After work today I was using the Comely Bank Waitrose and this Woman/Blonde Kid combo were in shopping and I thought it the perfect opportunity to make a friend and offer corrective advice.   Sadly the woman wasn't welcome and  receptive to my sage advice and unnecessarily involved her husband and store security services.    

    Acid test will be Monday to see whether my intervention's been worthwhile.   

    I think the acid test will be tomorrow when you'll see if the police have taken the family's complaint seriously


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