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Empty It

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Everything posted by Empty It

  1. Nope people that think they're better than someone because they drive a new car which is basically a long term rental is what annoys most.
  2. Tbf watching tv whilst on the toilet must be quality.
  3. That's my favourite, you've not made it until you've got a 95% mortgage on a new build with your new leased car on the driveway with everything from the TV to your bed on finance and these are the folk looking down on people for not living beyond their means.
  4. Train them in bare knuckle boxing from a young age.
  5. Very high chance that someone with the attitude to make sexual comments at a young lass in the street would need little provocation to punch someone in the mouth.
  6. I listen to the PopMaster podcast on BBC sounds app for this very reason.
  7. If you have TikTok over the age of 20 (even that's pushing it) you deserve to be on some sort of register.
  8. What about killer bees carrying killer dogs with more killer bees in their mouths?
  9. Can't believe you said head towards the meadows and didn't mention the International Bar, quality shithole boozer.
  10. Even people with the strongest views against the death penalty would struggle to make a case for this c**t.
  11. Aye what a shame the poor guy only killed a bairn and has been in and out of jail since being on witness protection for numerous stuff including having CP but aye what a shame.
  12. Looking at the description it is 100% Janey that is the seller here.
  13. Come home and the Wifi isnt working, spend 10 minutes trying to fix it before she tells me it's been off all day but shes not phoned anyone as shes sure it'll "fix itself at some point".
  14. Wouldn't trust 99% of HGV drivers to drive a Mini nevermind a truck, they all drive like wankers.
  15. Lassie that was on my missus uni course started going out with her boyfriend when she was 13, he was 19, completely groomed and wouldn't hear a bad word against him, she was then about 19/20 and he cheated on her and left her for a 17 year old just a pure beast.
  16. Haha as soon as SPFL are confronted about Rangers being c***s with no away fans they scrap the mandatory red zones, couldn't make it up.
  17. If you're looking for decent music pubs Whistle Binkies, Bannermans and Stramash are all within 5 minutes of each other or if you're heading the other way towards George Street, The Black Rose is decent.
  18. What have the Roman's ever done for us?! Wait Romania? Nevermind, carry on.
  19. Just got stuck behind some auld cow must've been in her 80s doing 15 in a 30 whilst slamming the brakes on any time a car past on the other side of the road, get off the road you blind bint.
  20. Heard Facebook and WhatsApp is down after all the traffic from MET officers deleting their chat history.
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