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Derry Alli

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Everything posted by Derry Alli

  1. I like the extra effort McGuigan (sp?) went with there. Proper yuppie barrister. Borthwick the boy though. He's that see through im surprised the milkman hasn't collected him on his rounds
  2. Good to see you still getting about and enjoying life @Sugar_Army, long may it continue big fella!
  3. There's numerous posters from AVFTT that post on here. I've never heard of "improving Scottish football" podcast, is it any good? Nutmeg sponsor the site.
  4. It'll be most of the current athletes doing it without having to bother with diuretics and insane policies. I'm 100% certain it won't be boys pumping their arms full of synthol, like posted.
  5. For he is the @Bob in Denny boy. Hullo. Hullo.
  6. Was left a four figure sum when my old man died, didn't want it and gave it away to a charity (they didn't do much for my family when needed but hoped the donation could help others in the situation). I've always said, you come in the world with not a thing and so you should leave it.
  7. Drinking during the day on a weekday is very middle class, tbh.
  8. I was never a fan on AVFTT. I enjoyed the podcast but hated the TV version. Since chilling out and realising that it's just a load of normal guys having a laugh and talking genuinely about football, I've begun to really enjoy both. I used to enjoy Open Goal, again only the pods, watching it was shit. Recently I've realised that although they get a helluva higher grade of person from within the game, there's very little football talk other than "wit aboot Tommy Gravesen". I do quite enjoy Under the cosh but it's just Open Goal on a larger scale and with a broader range of people comes a broader range of stories of people wanting to square go other rockets.. they also seem to replace Gravesen with Vinnie Jones or Duncan Ferguson. TLDR - they all have a place. Find your place and don't cry about ither people enjoying a different place.
  9. I'd heard it was Alex Neil from a boy at work who pals about with Barron and some other youth boy.
  10. Sufficiently heating your test jab to a sufficient level that upon injecting it doesn't crystalize and form a phallus shaped mound on yer arsecheek.
  11. Chucking a six figure salary for half an hours extra work. Got to feel sorry for the guy.
  12. You could stop going to St Andrews pre match and have your meals in Tony's diner up St Salvador St.
  13. Who ever would have guessed Harvey Elliot is the spawn of a mad racist mother. Certainly not me.
  14. It's a shutdown in there just now is it not - you having to grade the crete?
  15. No. Journalists should not be bias nor push an agenda.
  16. Baldovie incinerator. Edit : oh fuçk right off
  17. Their blood and tears have left Dens waterlogged and unplayable. The club asked him to stop for a month.
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