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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. Moyes also did a passable job at Sunderland (bear in mind they were relegated from the Championship the following season as they were an utter shambles, and the first thing he said after taking the job was if he knew the mess of the club he wouldn't have taken it) and was doing okay at Sociedad too. Managers get fired all the time in Spain, its really not much of a reflection on anything after a few months. He also equalled Mourinho's first season at Man Utd after hundreds of millions had been spent and he only got buttons. He's done at least a 6/10 at every club he's ever been at, its just not true to suggest otherwise. Would not be my first choice but very solid appointment, and would stay for quite a while.
  2. Just a wee correction as it always annoys me, the biggest club in the world are Real Madrid.
  3. Mixu, you're a good poster and better than that. You need to understand Ireland's economy in 2008, It was sewn up in property. Ireland will be perfectly fine charting its own route. Ireland is booming right now with businesses relocating from London to Dublin because of brexit.
  4. That's horrendous, she should go to jail for that.
  5. No but will be on less favourable terms for the UK than right now. We have a choice of being in the club with the great deal or in the club with the shit deal.
  6. We will definitely leave, or many politicians in England will pay with their job, and some maybe with more than that. If we don't there is no mandate for indyref2 so it wouldn't happen.
  7. Trade with the UK will not cease after independence.
  8. Support for remain in Scotland was 72% last week. If its independence in the EU, which it will be, there's no danger we lose. Imo guaranteed yes vote, that's why WM won't allow a vote as they know that too. It will also become blindingly obvious that economically being out of the EU is hugely damaging.
  9. Cause they know they're on the wrong side of history. and that they're likely to lose too.
  10. We've also had an election in which Scotland voted to hold an independence referendum in this parliament. She is doing what the voters instructed her to do. Scotland also voted remain, so she is abiding by their views too, and didn't declare independence after indyref1, so a fail all round for you I'm afraid.
  11. Or we have a mandate for a referendum in this parliament and plan to use it. This is what Scotland voted for after all.
  12. Why would that be weird? Its a simple fact. And yes it is, another industry we will be subsidising them with for decades if we don't leave.
  13. The 2008 financial crash that decimated the UK economy represented a temporary drop of 2% in GDP. Losing oil would be a permanent drop, and that is only the tax on oil companies taking oil out of the sea. They also pay corporation tax, which typically contributes 16-17% of the UK's entire corporation tax take. Anyone claiming oil isn't a huge part of the UK economy is simply lying.
  14. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11373208/Falling-oil-price-a-curse-not-a-tax-cut-for-British-economy.html A few quotes from those two articles, in the massively SNP supporting DAILY FUCKING TELEGRAPH "The industry around Aberdeen is vital to the overall health of the UK economy providing one of the few reliable sources of revenue for the Government since drilling began around the North east coast of Scotland in the early 70s. Around 450,000 people are employed in the oil and gas industry across the UK and in the financial year ending 2013 the Government earned £6.5bn in taxes from petroleum producers." "Since the first oil produced off the north-east coast of Scotland arrived for processing onshore in the summer of 1975, more than 43bn barrels of crude have been pumped. That crude has been worth around £1.4 trillion – a figure greater than the country’s entire national debt – based on an average oil price over the period of $50 per barrel. However, that sum doesn’t come close to reflecting the true value of the North Sea to the British economy." "Would the UK have been able to afford a free-to-access National Health Service without the North Sea oil windfall which has arguably helped to fund it?" "Total tax receipts from oil and gas production from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) since 1975 have exceeded £330bn but that figure doesn’t reflect the worth of the industry to the Treasury. The North Sea supports the employment of around 450,000 people in the UK, all of whom pay income tax and spend their wages on the usual things such as homes and new cars." "And this is why the country cannot afford to give up on its shrinking offshore oil and gas industry, despite the protests of the climate change lobby and economic cranks who dismiss its overall importance to British society. " The UK has basically nothing left of any tangible value, we make nothing, have no natural resources left, except oil. Its all services and financial instruments. Oil is the jewel in the crown of the UK economy, and if we leave we take all of it. A good rule of thumb is the more WM tells you oil is worthless and unimportant (slogan for 79 devo referendum 'Gone by 1990', Darling during 2014 referendum 'oil will run out by 2017') the more important it is and the more they can't afford to lose it.
  15. I don't know why I'm even indulging your thick headed nonsense, but here is those notorious supporters of Scottish independence the Daily fucking Telegraph briefly explaining the value of oil to the UK economy. Its literally the number one most valuable thing they could possibly lose, by miles. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/11844812/Britain-cant-afford-to-write-off-North-Sea-oil-after-40-years.html
  16. Yet its worth more than all the rest of the UK's natural resources put together. Give it up man, you're basically trying to argue water isn't wet.
  17. Proportionally. And your 'scrutiny' proved me right.
  18. Statistics clearly prove I'm right, as you've shown. 160 games for Celtic and 12 for Scotland tells no lies. Multiple instances of missing Scotland games then playing for Celtic the next week, often the week before too, tells no lies. He's at it.
  19. So by showing he's played in a significantly higher percentage of Celtics games than Scotland's games every season as a professional footballer you're shown he hasn't played in a higher percentage of Celtics games than Scotland's. Good job.
  20. Riiiiiight....so the fact he has played in a significantly higher percentage of Celtics games than Scotland's every season hacks up the opposite of my view. I really hope you're not an accountant.
  21. And it I don't like him cause FTOF you'll need to show me making similar comments about other old firm players, otherwise you're talking shite.
  22. And the season before....And how many times he's.missed Scotland games and played in the Celtic game the next week, and the week before. Your stats show he's been at it from day one.
  23. No they don't. Look at the last two seasons, then I'll accept your apology.
  24. And also why it was simply and obviously a lie to.say they would refuse a currency union. If we'd voted yes they'd have begged us for one the next morning.
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