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Posts posted by staggy1929

  1. 17 hours ago, Aufc said:


    Nae offence mate but keto is a heep of shite.

    Any diet that sees you cutting out a type of food is shite and won’t work long term


    I wouldn't go as far as calling it shite imo.

    I do agree however that it is difficult to maintain long term.

    Away on holiday in September so i'm trying to get some lean mass and think Keto might be the way to do it.

  2. 17 minutes ago, LondonHMFC said:

    I literally have no clue about weights, I do know I have the arms of a 12 year old girl though. 

    Want to start incorporating a bit of weight training into my weekly workout, but really have no idea where to start. I would probably start with the machines, as I usually go to the gym on my own, so rather than dropping a bar bell on my neck, just use the available machines. 

    Are there any sites out there that have a plan you can follow? 

    Bodybuilding.com usually have some decent stuff on there


  3. 1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

    I'm not so sure about carbing up - when I've done half marathons I've always had a big bowl of pasta the night before and porridge the morning of the race but never for lifting weights.  I go to the gym at lunchtime and try to have an apple or something before I go so I'm not on an empty stomach or anything like that but I wouldn't deliberately carb up.

    If you are lifting for PBs and really trying to max it out it might do it I guess. 

    I know that I am significantly weaker when I don't eat before I train, i'm not entirely sure of what's best for pre workout in terms of meals.

  4. 1 minute ago, ICTChris said:


    Well obviously, they all do but he was also a prodigious trainer. I go to the gym at lunchtime and find having to be more disciplined in timings really helps. Recovery is also very important, if you are lifting heavy weights then your body needs time to rebuild.


    I totally agree, some of the best sessions are the one's where you have a certain time to get your work in.  I see people in the gym taking 5 minutes between sets and it seriously triggers me sometimes.

  5. 7 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

    Could someone not use a Smith machine with no weight to at least keep the path of the bar vertical to figure out where in the process the hamstring pain comes from? Mind you could just do that with a free barbell I suppose if someone was minding your form.

    That is something I haven't tried in fairness.  I'm 22 so I shouldn't really have a goosed hamstring at this point. I still regularly play amateur football and no pain involved while doing that so it's bizarre.  Must be something I'm doing wrong

  6. 9 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    Nah don't use the Smith Machine for squats, the ROM isn't anywhere near what it's meant to be and it places too much strain on joints that a free movement doesn't.

    Have you tried box squats?

    I have! I don't mind box squats actually, I've tried sumo squats and pin squats too and they're not too bad either.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Dele said:

    If you've got problems doing squats unaided I wouldn't recommend using the Smith machine to squat. 

    I'm usually fine my first few sets. it's when I get 3 or 4 sets in to a heavy-ish working set weight like 100kg it starts to happen. I've tried dropping the weight and it still happens just not as bad. I've had sets filmed before too and the form looks alright if i'm honest. Might need to sub in a new exercise instead.

  8. Just now, Dons_1988 said:


    Can you ask anyone at the gym to give you some tips on form?

    No point continuing on if you don’t have the form as you’ll risk injury.


    I train with various people at different times and they haven't noticed anything overly incorrect with my form. I'm considering squatting in the smith machine to see if the assisted style of doing it helps.

    gives me an excuse to skip leg day tbf so it's not all bad

  9. 13 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    If we're posting progress pics:

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    The first was taken in August 2016, I was 14st 13lb with about 27% bodyfat. I lost about three stone over the next year, but...

    The second was taken in March 2018, I'd let myself go quite a bit following the death of my father. I was about 13st 10lb with about 22% bodyfat.

    The third was taken in about January 2019 I think, I was 12st 10lb with about 17% bodyfat. I'd lost a lot of fat but not a lot of weight as I'd been doing weights for a while. At this point I could deadlift about 125kg (1x5), squat about 110kg (3x5) and bench about 65kg (3x5). This was just before I started properly training for the Edinburgh Half Marathon.

    The fourth was taken at the weekend, I'm about 11st 7lb with about 15% bodyfat. The sixteen weeks of training have meant I've lost over a stone since February but (as is to be expected) a fair amount of that has come from muscle and not a lot from fat.

    I'm back on the weights now but my lifts have understandably suffered. Currently deadlifting 100kg (1x5), squatting 82.5kg (3x5) and benching 50kg (3x5). Working my way back up.

    I'm still cutting but not by much, I want to reasonably preserve and try to improve my strength while losing a good bit more fat. Ideally I want to get down to about 12% before I'll start doing a lean bulk.

    I know there are a fair few folk on here who know me personally, but I've blanked out my face. I was also wearing boxers in the third and fourth pictures but they were a bit revealing shall we say!

    Fair play to you buddy that's some effort! 

  10. 10 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    Dorian Yates used to train for 45-50 minutes four times a week when he was a world champion bodybuilder, he did OK with it.

    I think training every day or training for long sessions is sometimes counter productive, you get tired, injured and don't rest enough.  I like banging out sets in less than an hour.

    Dorian Yates also dabbled in the Mexican Supplements lets not miss that out :lol: but yeah I get what you mean about the hour sessions, especially when training alone.

  11. I have set goals for myself for the year in the gym and I was really motivated but a month or two ago I lost all desire to go and only really went 3 times a week after that, thankfully the motivation is back and I might if i'm lucky reach my target weight for all three compound movements... fingers crossed anyway 

  12. 6 hours ago, Gaz said:

    I've got my first boxing class tonight. Pretty terrified if I'm being honest, even though I know it'll just be focused on fitness for the first few months at least without me getting skelped.

    I had my first session a week ago funnily enough,  I thought I was a fairly fit person but I felt exhausted after it. Totally worth it though it's a lot of fun!

  13. I wish we would sign some unknown foreign players that we could get excited about for no reason other than that we have no idea how good they'll be. Derek Adams was especially fond of this near the end of his time with us.

    I'm also well aware that for every Melvin De Leeuw,  Andre Hainault and Evangelos Ikonomou, there are probably twice as many Tim Dreesen's 

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