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Thane of Cawdor

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Everything posted by Thane of Cawdor

  1. Wordle 324 5/6 I had culturally sensitive reasons for my wrong guesses. Clearly, The New York Times doesn't give a f**k for my hypersensitivity. Fascists!
  2. I was in a pub in Gateshead the other day and used the term 'grannied'. Local expressed interest and maintained that in that part of the world they used 'nana-ed'. At least I think that's what he said, they can be difficult to make out. Anyway, my PTTGOYN is the range of Michael Buerk adverts on Sky, seeking to part people from their true blue/blue rinse pounds in exchange for the opportunity to purchase weird gold coins and other patriotic gold items. I realise that celebrity endorsements don't require said celebrity to act on their own advice to purchase these products. It may also be the case that Buerk has an enormous stash of these unique/limited-offer treasures in his safety deposit box but, if not, he's being somewhat hypocritical. This bloke has presented 'The Moral Maze' for years and must realise that his image as a man who thinks seriously on moral and ethical issues is a factor in his being chosen for gigs like this.
  3. Women's Equality Party candidate - David Renton. Are they doing this right?
  4. Wordle 320 X/6 I am undone. Will sulk and whinge for a bit about the unfairness of it all.
  5. Dorothy Parker claimed to have named her budgie Onan because he kept spilling his seed.
  6. Wordle 319 5/6 Beginning to suspect that I am being victimised by the NYT. Is this possible?
  7. Wordle 318 4/6 I'm being persecuted by the law of averages.
  8. It's the correct spelling of the answer. It's not the correct spelling of the word you're thinking of.
  9. This is so true. I remember after Gerald Ratner gave that speech, I felt an irresistible compulsion to go and purchase a set of earrings and a prawn sandwich. It may have cost his business £500 million but, all publicity is good publicity
  10. I think most people saw the Vietnamese invasion of Pol Pot's Cambodia, and the Tanzanian invasion of Amin's Uganda, as necessary and justified instances of 'regime change'. The general view was that both men were dangerous and seriously unstable, and who should be removed by any means necessary. Your analogy would only work if Ukraine had invaded Russia to remove the dangerously unstable Putin.
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