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Thane of Cawdor

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Everything posted by Thane of Cawdor

  1. At some future point a word such as MYRRH will be set. The explosion on here will be visible from the space station.
  2. The Rastas deserting the sinking ship.
  3. My gentle spirit has been crushed. Fuckers! Wordle 283 6/6
  4. The thing that puzzles me is why the sackings are being described as redundancies while the jobs continue to exist. My understanding was that only reorganisation where posts were done away with constituted redundancy. This doesn't appear to be the case in the P&O dispute. Were it not for unions you would be sitting on your arses staring at the wall or, more likely, working overtime to afford a turnip. https://youtu.be/HT6JA9f4cmA
  5. I read an interview with Tressell's daughter a long time ago in which she claimed that, had her father been living now, he would vote SDP. Guess she hadn't read the book. I was at a conference in Liverpool when a mate and I made a pilgrimage to Tressell's grave. It involved climbing over a high metal gate and persuading a big bloke with two Dobermans that we were admirers rather than grave robbers.
  6. Another aberration. Wordle 277 2/6
  7. Harrumph. We've stopped doing words and have segued in to onomatopoeia. Wordle 276 5/6
  8. Any of you discriminating drinkers (dipsomaniacs) encountered this drink - Sotol. My Mexican son-in-law brought this back from a recent visit home. He tells me it was traditionally made and drunk by lonesome cowboys on the range. Probably no longer the case if major distillers are becoming involved, much as I suspect most Poteen is made in West Belfast garages rather than the hills of Connemara. It's a drink I am not minded to try, yet. Could manage fine without being simultaneously drunk, stoned and on a hallucinogenic trip. Still, as we know, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/drinks/a12798341/sotol-mexican-liquor-spirit/
  9. Googled that to check validity and spelling before committing. Wordle 272 3/6
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