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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. We truly are a mess of a club. Fans of other clubs just line up continually to boot us in the baws and the dickheads running our club just keep giving them the ammunition to do it. We as fans deserve so much better than this. The lot of them need to f**k off.
  2. Probably mentioned as M&M looking to divert some of the blame for the horrendous football we have all been viewing lately. Doesn't wash, they are the gaffers and it lies firmly at their door.
  3. Heard all the management wankspeak before , fans aren't buying the bullshit anymore. Just be gone the pair of you.
  4. Club maybe trying to punt some of them out the back of an old Ford Fiesta.
  5. There will be plenty of others in the same boat. Due to Covid folk might not have the money or, like you have found other ways to fill Saturdays. They really need to up their game and not just expect fans to part with their cash.
  6. They must be aware of fan unrest, the replies to the clubs full time twitter post yesterday would tell them that. Even if Ritchie and superfan are not social media savvy there are folk on the board who will read these things and that's without looking at P&B. They know that if things go tits up and we don't get promoted ST sales could drop off a cliff.
  7. That is the sad fact about our support, as has been stated by others too many see it as a day out and are happy to accept whatever shite we get fed. I withheld the season we got relegated and stupidly renewed when Rawlin's cash was agreed as I thought it was the start of real change but it doesn't appear to be the case, I won't be renewing again until change happens. I know it's hurting me and the club but I've had enough. I know other fans who are thinking the same,folk of a similar age to me who have followed the Bairns for 40 odd years and they are for chucking it. The folk in charge are killing our club and we need to act to stop it.
  8. If we don't go up as a result of the MSG failing to act and then come the summer the fans rock up in their droves to renew season tickets we are as good as saying "do what you like to our club, we will back you". Money is the only thing these old b*****ds care about and withholding it is the only way to hurt them. The ball for once is firmly in our court but it has to be done as a collective.
  9. I don't want Holt long term but I do want M&M gone and with the short time of the season left reluctantly feel Holt is the only option. Hopefully the players get the wee bounce a new gaffer can give to get us over the line and then focus on getting the right manager in for next season. A terrifying prospect for me is M&M somehow shitfesting us into the championship (wild imagination required) and our inept board reward them with new contracts
  10. They've probably read the tweets in reply to their final score post and thought it's best not to bother.
  11. I agree with this, we are hardly talking about Crunchie or Scott McKenzie guys who gave the best part of their careers to the Bairns. Miller was off as soon as he got the chance and as you say Cracks was hardly a fans fave. Get them to f**k.
  12. Great post, I'm far too lazy to type all this but it 100% sums up my feelings over the past few years. I'm 54 and have been following the Bairns for 48 years and I've seen low points before, this period is certainly up there with them. I could honestly chuck it as I'm completely scunnered at the moment. I love this club but by god they are stressing me out just now.
  13. Surely to christ if they fail to get us up they will be binned before next season.
  14. Sadly they won't act and we will be lumbered until the end of the season. They will be gone for next season when a new manager will be appointed to try and get us out of league 1. Then we will get a flurry of shite from the club as they try to get our ST money.
  15. When Ritchie and Superfan are gone, sadly I fear we are in for more hurt before things get any better.
  16. Terrible display, Cove the much better side throughout and unlucky not to win by more. We are a horrible team and I fear it’s another season in the seasides for us. We really need a manager in with experience of getting a side out this league who doesn’t just assemble a gang of absolute jobbers.
  17. The Cove commentator's have more of a clue on what's wrong with our team than our management duo.
  18. That is fucking incredible, they don't have a bloody clue.
  19. Goodbye M&M, get yourselves to f**k ya pair of clowns.
  20. That has been our problem for years, way too much apathy from fans and acceptance of the absolute shite we have been served up.
  21. I wouldn't wait to half time, get them to f**k now.
  22. Lose this and they have to go. We have looked absolutely rancid so far, players look like the don't know what they are meant to be doing.
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