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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Give Holt the job for the rest of the season and see if he can improve us sufficiently to get us over the line, has to be worth a try.
  2. We really need to bin this pair of idiots as soon as possible or we are staying put in League 1 next season.
  3. I am the same, no chance I'm paying to watch this. If I hadn't bought a ST I wouldn't be watching home games either.
  4. Was out this afternoon walking my dog in the local park and met an old guy I know. He is a Falkirk fan but due to his ageing years and health hasn't been to games in a while and hasn't seen the team play that much this season. He said he watched the Celtic game and thought the young lads all done well and brought energy and pace to the team. I said to him I agreed but unfortunately the management team don't. Folk who don't even see our team that much can see what we need but M&M can't.
  5. Agree with this 100%, no point putting money into a club when those who have the power to spend said money aren't up to the task. The club is rotten just now, we need Ritchie and Superfan gone in my opinion for things to change. Each to their own though if folk still want to plough their cash in.
  6. Have to say I am absolutely scunnered with the whole thing. I hadn't bought a season ticket for 2 seasons and was pretty much resigned to the fact that was it for me until the MSG got to f**k. Stupidly when the Rawlings investment was voted in I gave them my money thinking change was happening. It isn't we are an absolute mess of a club, the two jokers running the club and the two jokers running the team have ended it for me. MSG GTF i salute you for your resilliance to what is going on at our club. I will be back in your camp next season, they won't be getting another penny from me until real change happens. That last night is just not acceptable from a so called professional football club. There are junior clubs that are run better and would have had more of a go at Parkhead than we did.
  7. Have we gone a full game before without a single attempt on goal. I don't have Premier Sports but BBC stats saying not one single shot at goal.
  8. Exactly this, probably would be hard pushed to find a set of fans with the exception of possibly Brechin who have had to put up with as much shite from their team/club in the past 3/4 seasons.
  9. He was the same against Falkirk on Tuesday night, lots of good saves. Certainly not looked shite so far.
  10. Anything less than 5 is an absolute riddie for Celtic. If they score less than 5 against our shitpie of a centre half pairing Neil Lennon should be brought back and sacked again.
  11. Thought we were terrible and created very little. I know teams can play formations where the lone striker works with players getting up quick enough to support them but it doesn't suit the players we have. If we had lost that game last night there would be no complaints from me, Dumbarton played to their strenghts and deserved the point.
  12. Miller and McCracken really need to f**k off. Shitebag tactics tonight and their team selections have totally humped us.
  13. Great finish by Dowds some cross by that Francis lad, what a player
  14. Had it with this pair of fucking muppets, Keena for Dowds pair of shitebags. They should be bringing Dowds on to play up front with Keena.
  15. Yip, fine margins pal could have been us if things had worked out differently. We have to change things if we go up, we can't rely on this pair to lead us in the championship. Get some vodka in that irn bru
  16. Raith 5 Pars 1 has fair raised my spirits, that and the Peroni I am currently tanning. Need alcohol to watch us just now.
  17. Feel like booing when the half time whistle goes but my Missus might think I'm losing it.
  18. We create absolutely f**k all, Telfer looks decent but one up front is honking tactics. I honestly cannot mind the last time I felt anything other than boredom watching a Falkirk game.
  19. Is there anything sweeter than the unionist, Tory loving, bitter gammon faced scum getting it shoved right up their red, white and royal blue arseholes. Oh my what a great day this is.
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