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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. No I think it's a good thing. I was trying to find out if the fans with 37% of shares and Rawlins with 26% would have the power between them to outvote the MSG if they voted together. Do shares equate to single votes.
  2. How does that work with voting at the AGM. Sorry I don't understand all of this kind of stuff. If the fans and Rawlins voted together could they out vote the MSG.
  3. The more I watch that footage of Durnan last night the more rage I feel. This is the sort of thing Falkirk TV should be asking Holt to explain in their next interview with him. Holt should be made to explain to us fans how that is acceptable and why Durnan isn't being sacked.
  4. If you thought there was even a chance of us competing in it then aye, id agree. I just dont see it though. Imagine this thread if we got an absolute pumping off Morton, f**k that for a game of soldiers.
  5. I thought we were 2 up and they scored through a pen but when I googled it the only reference I could find to it spoke of us being 1 up and them equalising through a Mark Traynor pen. My memory hadn't been as bad as I thought.
  6. I can see your point but I honestly cannot see how this group of players could negotiate their way through the play offs. My biggest fear is somehow managing to get past Cove or Airdrie and getting an absolute doing off the likes of Morton. That would just depress me even further.
  7. I just amended my original post. Shows how memories change, I thought we were 2 up but googled it and we were 1 up and they had equalised through a pen. I think there fans were stunned, being honest so were we. He did stuff regularly that just made your jaw drop in amazement.
  8. I will never forget sitting in the stand at McDiarmid and we were 2 up and they had just scored from a pen and I was pissed off. We were kicking off and I really wasn't paying attention to the pitch and I could feel my mate sitting next to me rising from his seat and suddenly everyone around me was doing the same. I looked at the pitch just in time to see the ball fly over Lindsay Hamilton the St Johnstone keepers head. The place fucking erupted with bodies flying everywhere. A few months later we were in the bar of the Leapark Hotel talking to wee Crunchie and he told us at the kick off he had no clue what Simon was going to do and all he said to him was just touch the ball Kev and the next thing it was flying over Hamilton's head. The man was an absolute God who will forever be the best player I have ever or will ever see in a navy blue jersey. The thoughts of that day in Perth still gives me goosebumps. I actually have so much sympathy for young Bairns fans who never got to see a full Brockville or some of the great players we have had through the years. Imagine your early memories being the absolute drivel we have had in recent years, such a shame.
  9. Our downfall this season is we've had a squad full of players who have had an issue with putting in the amount of effort that is required.
  10. The biggest down side for me with signing players like Alston is he isn't the type that strikes you that he would be up for a battle. We need players who know what it takes to get out of the shit situation we are in,especially in the middle of the park and aren't afraid to get stuck in. As you rightly say he is invisible for too long in games.
  11. We are there already and will continue with the downward spiral if we continue signing the dregs of the full time barrel. This is the superior attitude that fucks off other fans and makes them ridicule us more in our current plight. We have no god given right to be any better than Clyde or Airdrie, like everything in life it has to be earned and we need players whether they are F.T or P.T who appreciate that.
  12. I absolutely get this and think a hybrid model may be our way out. We are scraping the bottom of the full time barrel continually signing dross who really should not be making a living playing football. Say we pay a squad of full time players £500 a week (only using this as an example, I am in no way itk) and we have 20 players in that squad. Would we maybe be better having 10 part time players who are the cream on £300 a week and signing 10 better full timers on £700 a week. We could probably get better players. A lot of folk have decent jobs and don't want to turn pro. I would always want us to be a full time club but until we are out of this league it may be an option worth exploring.
  13. I agree mate. I'm probably clutching at straws here but i'm hoping the Rawlin's are fully aware we are a total shitshow and they are just saying the right things until they have control.
  14. Hahahahaha brilliant They would probably pump us too.
  15. Rawlin's taking control and making real change is the only bit of hope I am left clinging too.
  16. I agree, 5th would do me nicely. Save us from more pain and having to listen to Holt's pish.
  17. f**k me St Pauli fans getting in on the act now. We truly are an international laughing stock. Who next Boca fucking Juniors.
  18. Holt wheeling out the usual football cliches in his after match interview. When talking about the squad though he appears to have mixed up the words young and shite.
  19. Major Shareholders Group headed up by two old b*****ds who are content on seeing our club run into the ground.
  20. I know the Falkirk TV folk are volunteers but it really is time for them to start asking the likes of Holt the uncomfortable questions. Deans should also get his arse in front of the camera and tell us what him and the rest of the jokers are going to do to address this mess. Telling us they are all going to f**k off would be a start.
  21. I agree with this. We are signing the absolute dregs of the full time barrel whereas we would probably be better looking towards the cream of part time players also. There are better pt players out there than the full time shite we continually sign.
  22. Fans giving these b*****ds season ticket money next season deserve all they get and shouldn't complain. Time has come for all of us to stick together and force them out.
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