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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I never bought one last season. When the Rawlin's money was anounced and the likes of LM left the board I stupidly bought one this season thinking real change was about to happen. I won't be buying one next season unless the change at board level happens.
  2. Airdrie 95%, draw 4%, Falkirk 1% Our squad is what it is, Holt will change nothing and the players have chucked it already.
  3. Think this is now just a culmination of years of bad decision after bad decision. On our club thread on P&B one of our fans took the time to list all the errors our BOD have made and it was frightening. The list wasn't even exhaustive as others were adding points they had missed. I, like others am pinning my hopes on the Rawlin's and fans working together to edge out the MSG and only then can we start to progress. Thanks for your best wishes and good luck in the play offs.
  4. We all have to think along the same lines and keep our ST money, don't buy merchandise, don't buy 50/50's. I'm the same 47 years watching them, I love this club and always will but enough is enough we have to try and force change.
  5. Being honest we aren't. You are a sensible poster, you post on our thread a lot and there are some FFC posters that give you a hard time but on the whole your posts are relevant and true. The majority of our fans just want this season done, we are shite we know we are and we just want a line drawn under this season. God knows what our future holds if the MSG retain power, we all know we are fucked.
  6. He is just spouting pish, we are not a young team. Lots of experience in that team. He keeps going on about a young team but for me he is mixing up the words young and shite. Holt is a fucking joker who needs to bolt.
  7. To be honest crack might make them play better
  8. Exactly pal, don't see the point of it but heyho each to their own.
  9. To be honest I am totally past the point of caring who our new manager is going to be. The club is rotten and we need massive change in the real positions of power if we are ever to progress as a club.
  10. He needs emptied as well as the rest of them.
  11. To be honest, put your U13’s out and let Montrose give you the same kind of humping you gave us on Thursday. These chancers currently masquerading as Falkirk FC don’t deserve to be in the play offs.
  12. I agree. I attended the meetings with Kenny and I think David White was the other guy and agreed to pledge cash when the liars that run the club previously agreed to let the fans buy shares before going back on it for the preferred bid of Mark “Kenny Rogers” Campbell. They are intelligent guys who have the contacts and knowledge to do this kind of stuff. I wouldn’t have a clue how to start something like this.
  13. Did the p***k actually say that, holy f**k get him out the club now.
  14. Wonder if Kenny Jamieson or the folk that are behind Back the Bairns would be willing to coordinate something. Would buying shares as a collective instead of ST’s be worth looking at. Obviously it’s difficult because of the restrictions with COVID so there can be no meetings but we have to do something our club is fucking dying.
  15. I don’t have an issue with it as god knows we deserve a doing just now but I had to ask as I have never spent time on other teams threads. I genuinely wouldn’t concern myself with other clubs regularly unless we were playing them.
  16. It’s great to see all the fans of other clubs lining up to put the boot in, we certainly deserve it just now. Can I ask do Falkirk fans spend a lot of time on other teams threads.
  17. We can all meet outside Morrisons every two weeks and drink cans Would be better than watching that mob and less depressing.
  18. Hopefully, our mob don't deserve to be in the play offs. They would just embarrass us all anyway.
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