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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. They are hopefully releasing players as their contracts end. If Durnan is kept I will be well fucked off.
  2. I know pal, feel more like mid 60's but that's what years of following Falkirk does to you. I think we could anounce the signings of Harry Kane and Declan Rice and we would all expect them to turn out shite for us. There have been so little plus points in the past 4 seasons with players coming in that we are all pretty much past the point of believing the powers that be at the club are capable of a decent signing. What would be refreshing though would be signing players that the fans of the clubs they are coming from aren't telling us how shite they are before they have even kicked a ball. Mind you they have always been spot on. If rumours are to be believed Peter Grant might be coming as well. This would also split the support as a lot don't want him either. Doesn't matter who they appoint they won't please us all. Fully expect Alloa to be in the hunt next season with whoever fails in the play offs and Queens Park should be decent. God knows where we will end up.
  3. SNP/SNP for me in Falkirk, couldn't vote anything else. Get these Tory/Unionist c***s in the sea.
  4. Yip and Morton are the utter perfect example of how a Scottish football club should be run. Arsehole of a stadium in the bowels of gods shithole of a town and remind me of how high up you finished in the Championship last season.
  5. I am quite happy that you still see us as a relatively big club. You probably see us in a better light that most of us as, although others focus on the whole crowd w**k tag most of us are under no illusion of the depths we have no sunk too. ETA: If in my lifetime the tables do eventually turn
  6. Yip the Peter Grant I remember playing for Celtic was a fiery b*****d who would take no prisoners.
  7. Nope the thread stated top 3 in the most hated clubs in Scotland not most ridiculed. Maybe just me but I’ve never really felt the need to go onto another teams threads and rip it out them even when they have been on the bones of their arse. I’ve been on P&B since 2003 and never really took great pleasure in ripping other fans constantly as experience in life has taught me what goes around comes around.
  8. Great that we are still box office to so many fans of other clubs. The hatred felt towards us from other clubs fans gives me such a feeling of warmth and wellbeing, I would absolute hate us to be one of those cuddly clubs that others like. Seen on another thread someone saying we are in the top three most hated clubs in Scotland, that is absolutely beautiful to me.
  9. As long as he’s not Sammon, got the build but shite at cross balls.
  10. If that is the case it will become apparent very quickly and the fans really need to withhold the ST money.
  11. I heard a guy in his mid 50’s from Grangemouth is going to win the Euromillions tomorrow night and spend a chunk of the money chasing Ritchie and Superfan away to f**k from our club.
  12. I agree, the only way anyone should be signed is if the preferred manager has been identified and he has agreed targets. Talk of new managers, signings etc means nothing to me at the moment. It is second to what is going on at board level. New manager/signings should not deflect from the main thing, we need these c***s gone and should not be giving them a penny until they have.
  13. I agree with this. No decent manager is going to take the job if Holt is dictating what players come and go.
  14. As someone has replied on twitter to the club statement, if results were declining why didn't the board act quicker to address it.
  15. I think Deans had to put something out as we all expected it. To be entirely fair to him and the rest of the chumps on the board the only thing they could say that would make me part with my ST money is the MSG are selling up and will have f**k all to do with the club going forward.
  16. That would be a horrendous decision in my opinion and would alienate the fans even more, if that’s possible.
  17. Out of the defenders that are ours I would empty them all, at a push I would maybe keep Dixon as a back up for a bit of experience in the squad.
  18. I think a season or two as a back up to an experienced keeper would do him the world of good. He is a decent shot stopper but he needs to bulk up a wee bit and work on cross balls.
  19. My ideal scenario would be the Rawlin’s working with the fans to get shot of the MSG. I would also like to see the BtB idea of fans paying monthly subscriptions as a collective group to purchase shares in the club with fan involvement in the BoD being revisited. Feel we really need a greater fan involvement if we are to progress as a club.
  20. Mark Durnan and Aidan Connolly an absolute stick on. Hope you are right about Durnan. Connolly is decent but always out injured so they are welcome to him.
  21. Would be delighted with the play offs but it will be another difficult season for us one which could have us involved at the wrong end of the table if we continue with our decline. I would imagine our budget will be a lot less as many fans will not renew ST’s. We have put together some shite squads recently with a decent budget so the mind boggles as to what we could look like next season.
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