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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Surprised I've no had my refund offer email today.
  2. Yip it would appear so. When the going gets tough, Deans hides.
  3. I'm the same with regards to other club threads. I've never really ventured on to rip the piss out other clubs when they have been in hard times either, but each to their own.
  4. I remember the rage I felt when a cream bun shop opened in the Howgate, imagine having it at our stadium
  5. Jesus, If we ever done that it would be the end for me.
  6. Is that a real photo, did they honestly allow another club to sell merchandise from their stadium.
  7. Never felt as distant from FFC in all my life. Out of the group of us that used to go I am the only one still showing an interest in the club. I bet some of them couldn't even tell you the names of our players, lucky b*****ds that they are. The sad thing is I don't really feel that angry about our plight, there is more of an acceptance of the fact that we are just plain shite. I think whoever takes on this club whether it be manager, chairman etc etc they have a massive job on their hands to build not only the trust of the supporter but a bond with them. They also need to try and find a way of getting the lapsed support back, which isn't going to be easy.
  8. 2 nil thank you Airdrie, just empty the lot of them now.
  9. 70 mins and not one attempt at goal. We are being taken to new depths here.
  10. As soon as this season is over pal the lot of them should be emptied.
  11. Really worries me that Holt is involved in picking our next manager.
  12. Another 45mins go by without an attempt on target. I am seriously beginning to wonder if anyone in the Falkirk coaching set up knows the actual object of football.
  13. Would rather risk getting beat with a youngster at the back than have Durnan pull on the navy blue again.
  14. I don't need it but if offered I would take it.
  15. Hopefully exactly the same as the team lines most weeks. I would keep Dixon as you need some experience in the squad and Mutch as back up keeper and that's about it.
  16. I think if Morrison had scored to put us 2 up when one on one with the keeper we might have had a chance but we never looked comfortable at 1-0.
  17. I agree, putting money on Thistle on Thursday to beat us with goals to spare would have been free money.
  18. I agree pal and the sad thing is there will be a whole generation of kids who won't want to go near Falkirk FC.
  19. St Johnstone are everything we aren't. They are a well run club who own a completed stadium that makes them money. We are a badly run club, who don't own our incomplete stadium that costs us money. The custodians of our club should really hang their heads in shame for the way they have managed us and I'm not just talking about Martin Ritchie and Sandy Alexander.
  20. There are big decision to be made at the club mate and they are going to shape the direction the club takes in the coming years. If they continue the trend of getting things wrong they will lose fans forever.
  21. Bet we aren't the only ones, won't be happening this year unless the MSG give up control.
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