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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Management team probably don't know either.
  2. Oh dearie me, we look god awful at the back.
  3. We look very nervous so far, some very loose passing and not holding onto the ball at all.
  4. Miller and McCracken are probably the biggest cause for our fans to now be slightly panicking. They have shown nothing to make us feel confident they can get us over the line. I honestly think we will see a much more defensively minded line up on Saturday.
  5. I don't think we are as long as M&M don't shit the bed and attack teams like we did Clyde on Saturday. We created plenty on Saturday and have the players to hurt teams in this league. It's all down to the bravery of our management team.
  6. If we go to Cove on Saturday,don't go with the formation we had against Clyde and end up getting beat they should just tell M&M to f**k off straight after the game. The form Thistle are now showing we have to keep winning and nothing other than attacking teams will do. We need to keep that 4 point gap on Partick.
  7. Oh goody I'll get to watch the auld boys funeral
  8. Why Scottish games are being changed for this funeral makes absolutely no sense to me. Is their an abundance of young players in our leagues that don't want to play to watch a 99yr old man's funeral. Load of absolute bollocks, stinks of being dictated to by our imperial masters yet again. I may be misreading the feelings of the nation but then I would bin the royals.
  9. It's official Steven Pressley is nuts, he has just stated on Sky Sports news that Hearts being back in the top flight is good for Scottish football as it means the big 6 Rangers, Celtic, Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen and Dundee Utd will all be challenging for the title. Just shows it's not just his hairstyle that is living in the 1980's
  10. For the first time ever I might consider paying for an away PPV, never bothered with away games before. Then again I might wait and see what the line up is.
  11. I've no love at all for the royals but I wouldn't have booed, I would just have sat and let those who want to respect it crack on.
  12. Go with yesterdays formation and attack from the start, none of these shitebag tactics. Would rather get beat having a go than get beat trying to sneak a draw.
  13. Watched the highlights and this shows how more creative we were yesterday and how players we have all slagged off performed when the team is set up to attack. If the management team change this in the remaining games and we fail to win the league it has to be on them. We definitely have the players with the quality to win our remaining games but we have to attack teams. Sammon and Keena need game time together to form an understanding.
  14. I'm not just talking about our Stadium, I wonder how it would have gone down all across Scotland. Obviously at Ibrox, Tynecastle and Airdrie would have been observed but I'm no so sure elsewhere.
  15. How would that have gone down in grounds all across Scotland if fans had been in stadiums
  16. Got to be fair and say Sammon has looked decent so far and has the better of the Clyde defence. We just need to get better delivery into the box.
  17. Fingers crossed there are many superspreaders amongst them
  18. BBC reporting it's all Sturgeon and the SNP'S fault, their nasty seperatist behaviour has driven the young man to an early grave.
  19. Anyone saying Falkirk are playing decent football knows f**k all about the game or they haven't been watching us. I agree re the club and Crunchie, if they have been in the least bit awkward about fans getting the money together to name the stand after him tell them to go f**k themselves and honour the wee man in another way. These b*****ds do everything they can to piss the fanbase off. They only understand money and unfortunately withholding it from them is the only way to hurt them. Sadly I think the Rawlins are our last hope, if this goes tits up god knows how we progress as a club as we still have too many "happy clapper" COYB facebook supporters amongst us.
  20. You won't get many arguments from Falkirk fans. We have to watch the shit they try to pass off as football every week.
  21. Cheeky b*****d to be honest. What gives him the right to say that about Airdrie when we really haven't looked to play football in a long time. Stinks of a sore loser who is living on borrowed time.
  22. Tell you all something, being a Falkirk fan isn't an easy gig. I am a glass half empty kind of guy, my wife says I always see the negative side of things and I truly blame it on 47years of following they navy blue b*****ds. They cause so much heartache in my life that it's hard to be positive about things. I would bite your hand off for us to be a well run club with a good board, manager,players that don't always seem to be pulling in the opposite direction from the majority of the fanbase.
  23. Just get them and the majority of their shitey signings to f**k. Absolutely scunnered with this club just now. As a support we have had more than our fair share of pish for too long in my opinion. Could we not just cancel the football again, I was happier then.
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