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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Mostly players returning doesn't work with the possible exemption of Crunchie, but then he is one of us. Just got to give Gowser a chance and hope for the best, if as has been rumoured he is buying out LM's shares for me that has to be a positive.
  2. Once/if this season ever starts will there be a pay per view for games on Falkirk TV. Still maintaining my season ticket boycott until we see boardroom changes (daft I know) but the sight of certain individuals on our board still boils my piss.
  3. Can you imagine the punishment dished out if this was us or another of the less fancied clubs of Scottish football., Doncaster and his mob would be baying for blood. The unequality of Scottish football makes me fucking sick.
  4. That's a shame. I feel i'm too old to wear new football tops but would happily wear the retro ones.
  5. The white Bukta away and the yellow Bukta third strip we had in the late 70's are my favourite strips of all time. I would love to see retro versions especially the yellow one. Remember Hibs having a purple and green Bukta top around that time too. They made really nice kits.
  6. I am exactly the same., held a season ticket for years but they aren't getting a penny from me until we see ownership changes.
  7. I know a couple of people who now vote Tory but it is absolutely heehaw to do with Tory policies, in fact I seriously doubt either of them could tell you any or could they tell you many members of the government. They vote Tory because they hate Nicola Sturgeon, SNP, Scottish Independence and because they are staunch as f**k and spend Saturdays during the summer marching the streets with other adult people in stupid uniforms blowing flutes and banging drums stirring religious hatred. I wouldn't define them as Tory c***s just absolute c***s.
  8. I haven't posted or been keeping up to date with P&B much lately so this topic may have previously been covered but here goes anyway. If the club gets to the point where they need cash or it is looking like the end how many of us would invest to keep them afloat and what would we want guaranteed in return. I know that everyones financial position is different and Covid may have changed some peoples situation but I would hate to see the club die. I would be open to putting money into a back the bairn style initiative but I would only do it if the club guaranteed more fan involvement at board level. I never renewed last season but 47 years of supporting the club doesn't just end. Would others be willing to help if the club came calling and would you expect anything from the board like shares in return.
  9. This is it for me as well. Gave up my season ticket this season in protest at the way the club was being run but Doncaster and his clownshow make Lex and co look competent. To be honest I haven't missed the football this season and I have found other things to do on a Saturday afternoon, this shitfest is the final nail for me.
  10. I get your point but for me the blame lies with the SPFL. If as they said the Dundee vote had not been received by the deadline of 5pm on Friday night then it should have been regarded as an abstained/no vote. They should never have been given this option of submitting their vote after all the other clubs. I don't agree with Rangers much but they are right in saying Doncaster should go.
  11. Think it will end after a lengthy enquiry which will see clubs go to the wall. I don't blame Dundee or any other club for voting the way they did, I blame Doncaster and his merry men who run our game for yet again making an absolute Harry Hunt of things. If ever there was a time for change in the running and structure of our game it's now.
  12. If true this won't be the end of this. Rangers, Hearts, Thistle etc. won't just accept this and to be honest why should they. If the SPFL hadn't made such a f**k up of things and allowed one club to vote under a different set of rules to rest there would be no issues with the outcome.
  13. Doncaster is an absolute cock who should have been shown the door years ago. If this goes through Falkirk and Thistle fans should boycott away games. f**k giving any money to the clubs who have voted this sham in.
  14. I'm sorry, I was being totally sarcastic. If ever a club deserved the line "expect the unexpected " it's us. We just go from one f**k up to another., as a support we deserve so much better. I totally agree with what you are saying, you could forgive one, maybe even two mistakes but our board just take the piss constantly.
  15. The bottom line is our club isn't well run. We have lurched from one cock up to another. The fact we find ourselves in the third tier of Scottish football on the crowds we get is testiment to this. The whole stadium move was a disaster, whoever agreed to spunking the budget on a pitch and one massive stand wants shot.
  16. It must be absolute shite following a well run club that does everything right and never makes an arse of things.
  17. Big gamble by our board, the fans have backed them this season with season ticket numbers remaining stable. If we don't go up it might not be the same case in L1 next season, all for the sake of a couple of signings.
  18. No offence taken at all pal. You are right Mr D it is all about individual choices and I respect those that still attend games as that is their choice. Looking forward to the day that we as a club are moving forward with everyone pulling in the same direction.
  19. To be honest, I have hardly been on P&B this season as I don't feel I have a right to an opinion on a team I have seen very little of so I have hardly been bleating on. As you say it is individual choices.
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