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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Whilst bored at work today I was thinking about where we are as a club. You look at how well our support has held up in the Championship, the money we have brought in from player sales, concerts at the stadium, all things that should be bringing in revenue and wonder why as a club we seem to being going backwards at the moment. You then look at teams at the bottom end of the Premier who would love our support but seem to be progressing and wonder where we are going wrong. Does the blame rest with our board over the years. The stadium has been a disaster. We built a monstrosity of a main stand when we should have set out to build a much smaller complete stadium plus we have to pay a fortune every season in rent. I hope and pray that in another month or so we have clicked as a team and have started climbing the league and this post looks stupid but at the moment promotion looks a long way off.
  2. I'm sure we have a closed door friendly against Hamilton this weekend.
  3. I actually think out of our signings Harrison is the one who does care. He's not fast or fancy, you get exactly what it says on the tin with him and he knows his limitations. I may be completely off the mark but he strikes me as someone who has come up here to get away from issues he's had down south and i think he is desperate to do well. For me he is future captain material. My mates think he's mince but I don't.
  4. I don't think we are at crisis point yet. We were a disallowed goal away from getting at least a point against ICT. Didn't see the Thistle game so can't comment. Last night we started okay but the injuries seemed to throw us a bit. The biggest thing for me is that he needs to pick the right team from the start and not wait till half time to change things round. At home especially two up front has to be a given and he needs to stop fucking with the formations. We won't gel or become a team if its changed week in, week out. I still think he can turn things round but he needs to learn from his mistakes.
  5. With the money we are spending so far on players I have a feeling we will be getting an untested youngster on loan. Hope I am wrong but as has been said anyone worth their salt will probably already be sorted with a club.
  6. Do we still have a wage cap at the club? Whilst I would hate to ever see us getting into financial difficulties again, i think this dictates the calibre of player you can get. It's back to the old quality over quantity debate. We seem to have a lot of average players for the same position and maybe its a reflection of the market we are dealing in. Having seen the team 6 times now I really struggle to believe that we have spent our biggest Championship budget ever.
  7. The more games that pass without getting points on the board the more these young players and Hartley will feel the pressure from the fans. Hartley needs to settle on a formation and work with it. The fact he doesn't seem to know how/who he wants to play is a concern and has to have an affect on the players. The QOS game is crucial, get beat and the thought of going to Dingwall and Ayr with no points would really ramp up the pressure. I will be happy if we start to look like a team coming together, getting forward more and creating a lot more chances which we haven't so far. I am still very much in the keep the faith, give them a chance camp but the thought of 0 points from 5 games genuinely gives me the fear.
  8. I have been positive in most of my posts about Hartley and I am still willing to give him and the new signings further time as I think they deserve that. The one thing I will say however about last nights match is that Irving and Froxy apart I thought the young **** looked a lot more comfortable on the ball than us. It was physical presence that won us that match and against most sides in the Championship we won't have that advantage.
  9. Never seen her before or heard much from her but what a voice. Loved her Teenage Kicks and Boys are Back in Town.
  10. Totally agree, the crowd and atmosphere was much better than Saturday. Peter Hook, Imelda May and Embrace all excellent as well.
  11. Texas best at PATP by a mile for me
  12. Sorry I meant more people driving. Yeah, weather will put a lot off. 4 of the folk who were with us yesterday have decided to give today a miss. We're not going until the back of 4 to catch Peter Hook. Hoping the weather gets better later.
  13. Yeah, lots blitzed early doors. Will be a lot of sore heads this morning. Was really surprised at how quick I got out the car park but looking at the nic of folk don't think a lot had the car with them. Could be busier today.
  14. James done their usual, played way too many album tracks. Might just have been me as I was sober. First visit to PATP and couldn't believe the amount of people who were absolutely mortal at what I thought was a family/children friendly festival. Between Gabrielle and James a fight broke out just behind us between two grown men that sent everyone in their path flying. One of the men got arrested. There were families and kids nearby. Not the atmosphere I expected. Still on a positive note looking forward to Peter Hook and Texas today.
  15. There was coins, spit, everything raining down on us from the seething mess above us that night and we didn't give a flying f**k. It was a beautiful moment to be a Bairn [emoji16]
  16. Probably the most nuts I have seen a crowd go when a goal went in. There were bodies flying every where and it was a joy to see the **** heading for the exits in their droves.
  17. Hope its a fast striker to play off Haber or Mackin. Don't feel we need another big lump. This won't be music to the ears of those wanting a RB but I don't mind McGhee there with Muirhead as back up.
  18. Is this the boy that played left wing first half and didn't look great but switched to left back in the second half and looked a lot better.
  19. Watched that goal again on Falkirk TV and I am at a loss as to why McLean has disallowed it. If anything it looks like the Inverness players have collided with each other. That's the fine margins we are dealing with. The goal gets given and we get a point or even go on to win the game and the players and us get a bit of a lift and instead of the gloom on here we have a bit of positivity. I can understand some of the cautious/negative comments about the standard of player we have brought in but in my opinion it is way too early to be hitting the panic button. There wasn't much between the teams on Saturday, we just need to be doing more in an attacking sense which for me could be remedied by playing 2 up front with wingers getting decent balls into them. I also think he needs to get the defence settled and stop trying to shoe horn 4 centre backs in there. Keep the faith.
  20. There was some booing at the end from the South but it was very few doing it. I actually thought the support was patient yesterday and gave the team good backing which Hartley alluded to in his post match interview. Had a night to sleep on yesterday and on reflection whilst yesterdays result wasn't what is required I think we will be okay. Has to play 2 up top though whether it be Haber/Mackin or Haber/Lewis but they have to play as a 2. Also McGhee at RB and Robson or Brough at LB.
  21. Think Hartley needs to play Robson at left back, either Dallison, Harrison or Muirhead in the centre and McGhee at right back. Settle on a back 4 and unless we get injuries or suspensions stop fucking with the defence. It's the only way they will gel and build an understanding.
  22. Hopefully we can get off to a good start so they have heehaw to boo about.
  23. Back to Saturday, cannot wait for this. Think the crowd has a huge part to play. We will have quite a few youngsters out there and the last thing we want is for negativity and nerves from the crowd to affect them early doors. Hope the young team are in fine voice and every other fan who doesn't normally sing gets right behind the team. COYB, BOO BOYS PIPE FUCKING DOWN.
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