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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. The mention of the Royal Hotel made me laugh there. My Dad used to take me in before games when I was young as did other Dads with kids. He would have a couple of pints and I would get a juice and crisps. I mind before one game being there and a woman came in wearing a dressing gown and spoke to the woman behind the bar. I wondered what the hell was going on and the woman behind the bar came round and spoke to all the dad's with kids and we were all told to drink up and leave as the entertainment was going to start. I hadn't a clue what it was all about but later learned that it was the Saturday lunch time stripper [emoji16]
  2. Tennents after running out of Budweiser and it's shit.
  3. James at Times Square, Newcastle next Saturday. Peter Hook and the Light backing so that's a bonus.
  4. Im at Oktoberfest in the Warehouse at night on the 21st after the fitba but if you fancy The Grangemouth Railway Club before the game you are more than welcome. Cheap drink [emoji106]
  5. My first game was 1971. My grandparents were Jambos and my first strip was a Hearts strip. My Grandad who lived in Grangemouth and was a docker was originally from Gorgie and for my first 4 years on gods earth I was a Hearts fan. My Grandad died and my Dad who was Falkirk daft took me to Brockville and I've never looked back. I've got a daughter who has no interest at all in football but if I had a son he would be a Bairn. I suppose in those days though my Dad worked shifts in the ISR and was very rarely off to take me to football so my Grandad stepped in and bought me Hearts strips etc. [emoji21]
  6. My auld mate Willie that I used to work with was a Hi-Hi supporter and used to wear the Third Lanark retro top all the time. He used to tell me that he couldn't watch Scottish fitba as it broke his heart knowing his club wasn't involved in it anymore. What date in October are you 70, you are through at us on the 21st.
  7. I'm the same, I absolutely adored the place. It was a shithole but it was our shithole. The memories I have of that place will never be replaced. I have a watercolour of Brockville which is pretty much the view from where we stood on the Hope Street terracing that I got from the West End gallery on my livingroom wall and I've got the top of the concrete stantion from where we stood out in the summer house. When I was a kid being taken to the stand by my Dad I used to sit there and watch the choir and pray for the day to come when I could be in there. I still find it very hard going into Morrison's [emoji22]
  8. I remember both these games fondly. The game against the Bankies was a scorcher. I went on the park at the end and gave my scarf to fat b*****d George Fulston. It had my Super Tuesday badge on it too. If I'd known then what transpired about the twat I would have decked him[emoji16]
  9. I remember trouble in the Hope Street end at home to Rangers when we had some of their cretins in amongst us. I also remember coming out of Brockville after the 2-0 Scottish Cup defeat of Celtic and one of their fans being dragged away by his mates as he was clearly intent on bother.
  10. Did the three of them make their club debuts in the Challenge Cup.
  11. This is a great post and it's something followers of local clubs will have that the Old Firm fans will never have or understand. They may have loads of titles and cup wins but they will never have the feeling that you get when your local team gets to a cup final. The build up in the town, the day of the game, wee kids and older kids cutting about with their faces painted, the pubs heaving. It's just magical. Sadly for us the open top bus reversing back into the garage isn't quite so magical but at least we have the memories.
  12. I agree at the TFS, especially last season we always started too slow and let opposing teams find their feet before having a got at them.
  13. We could terrorise teams at Brockville. The fans were so close to the pitch. I can't remember his name but I mind a senior referee retiring and there was an article in the Daily Record about him and he said the days he dreaded the most was as a young linesman running the stand side at Brockville. The enclosure used to make his life hell.
  14. Your right it's very decent. There will be fans of bigger clubs than us that haven't been to the finals and semis that we have had.
  15. Think the 97 semi final/ final just gripped the whole town and area as it was something most of us had never experienced. I'm still hopeful of seeing us lift the cup before I check out though[emoji16]
  16. Gary Naismith who went on to have a great career would never forget the roasting he got that day. Crunchie had him in his pocket the full game.
  17. Hate to be morbid but I'm 50 now and having had 3 cup finals in the past 20 years I sometimes wonder if my chance to see the Bairns win the cup in my lifetime has gone. How do other older fans feel about this? My Dad who passed away 12 years ago always told me the 1957 cup final replay was his greatest moment as a Falkirk fan. I hope to God I'm wrong.
  18. Jimmy Stirling is a gem of a guy. We lived in Polmont at the time and moved away although now back in Grangemouth. Haven't seen him in years. I'm pretty sure he got scunnered with how the club was being run around the end of the 90's and stopped going. As far as I can remember it was not long after the 97 cup final.
  19. As mentioned Stainrod at McDiarmid was probably mine. Super Tuesday would be high up there as well though as would the 1994 cup defeat of Rangers. Worst moment was the semi-final defeat to Hearts at Ibrox. I have never been so gutted coming away from a game, Crunchie was immense that day.
  20. It was always Toosel and McFeat we couldn't get out the pub. Jimmy Stirling used to run the bus. They were all cracking guys and travel to away games was a great laugh.
  21. I used to have a video with loads of games from that era on it. It had the Partick cup replay at Brockville on it which was a cracking game. I had another video that had the full live tv game against Ayr United. We had some team then.
  22. Young fans will never experience days like that. Away days as a Bairn then were the best ever.
  23. That was a fantastic team. We didn't just beat teams then we ripped the absolute pish out of them. That goal was a thing of beauty. For me the period we had Stainrod in our side will never be bettered. That's why although I adore Crunchie, Stainrod will always be my favourite player. The lobbing of Lyndsey Hamilton from the kick off is probably my best moment ever in football. Spoke to Crunchie years ago in the Leapark about it and he said Simon just said just touch the ball. He said he hadn't a clue what he was going to do. The man was a God.
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