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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I’m just listening to their album and it’s really good.
  2. They were absolutely fantastic and put on a great gig. Have to also give a mention to the support band Walt Disco who I had never heard of, thought they were really good and reminded me a bit of Sparks with a hint of Placebo thrown in there, glad I got in early to see them.
  3. I totally agree that it’s perfectly fine to do a bit of criticising and game analysis on here, that’s what this forum is for. I just didn’t agree with the booing in the stadium on Saturday, I know it was only a few but there was no need for it.
  4. Can’t blame John, being a gentleman of advancing years myself sometimes a wee cheeky one just sneaks out.
  5. Wee song for when the mink comes to TFS hopefully for the last time in a while. He’s the reason, we’ve been in this shit for 5 seasons, but John has us all believing, f**k YOU HARTLEY
  6. What’s everyone’s thoughts on Sean Mackie, I thought he might be for the off at the end of the season but I’m changing my mind. His physicality could be an asset in a championship squad.
  7. Will be so strange to sit in the KM7 and see the north stand regularly filled with a decent amount of away fans. I cannot wait, that’s if we win the league
  8. All joking aside, I’m 57 and have followed football for as long as I was old enough to know what football was and I’ve never heard or seen anything like this keeper rotation nonsense in the senior game. I know the manager picks the team and I’m not saying it’s costing us but I think when everything is done and dusted at the end of the season it would be good to get an explanation. The statement McGlynn made after Saturday raised as many questions as it did answers. Anyway let’s put that to one side for the moment and pump the wee greasy rats eleven.
  9. The thing for me is, if there was nothing there and outside influences weren’t forcing McGlynn to play Long and rotate keepers then he wouldn’t mention it in the interview.
  10. I fear for the poor b*****ds that they are in debt too, they have one chance of seeing that cash.
  11. Looking at the way Morrison hobbled off I’d be amazed if he’s fit to start on Tuesday night.
  12. I like Ross too, I feel like his play is controlled and would like to see him getting more of a run in the team but I don’t think any of the normal 10 outfield players deserve to be dropped. I hope if Callumn is okay we revert to the usual 10 on Tuesday night.
  13. I agree regarding McGinn as well, his legs have gone and our play is slower. Apart from the odd few minutes here and there off the bench when the game is won he shouldn’t be near our team.
  14. I wonder then if his hand is being forced to rotate because of something written into the deal. If it is then it’s crazy and Sam should have just been sent back down the road.
  15. I think the biggest mistake with regards to keepers lies with McGlynn and not the actual keepers. Rotation may work in other parts of the team but it doesn’t with keepers, Sam looked shaky at the start of the season but then looked excellent before getting injured, Nicky came in and looked shaky but then came onto a game and looked excellent before the full rotation pish started. It has to stop, McGlynn picks our team not Lincoln fucking City.
  16. I don’t think there is much between the keepers but I also don’t agree with this rotation pish, it’s like boys football. Onto the keepers it is one issue that we failed to address in the summer/January, they are both young, neither has much physicality about them and they don’t command their area. They are both good shot stoppers and I would say Sam is better with the ball at his feet but in my mind you couldn’t get a fag paper between them. I’m not convinced Nicky would have done any better at the Annan goal yesterday as he had a similar howler at Hamilton. Getting an experienced keeper has to be near the top of McGlynn’s to do list in the summer.
  17. We drew at Edinburgh, got a kick up the arse and went on a winning run. That goal at the death today will have hurt the players and hopefully will be what spurs them on to have this all wrapped up in a few weeks.
  18. I did clap the team off at the end. I wasn’t happy to concede a late goal but I’ve seen enough this season to feel that the squad deserve my support. I can understand fans being frustrated but I still don’t think they deserved to be booed.
  19. I disagree that folk are within their right to boo that and the fact there has to be some booing. I’ve booed the shit we have watched in the past but this squad has done nothing to deserve being booed. It’s all about opinions I suppose.
  20. We created and missed lots of chances, we are still unbeaten and 14 points clear at the top with a game in hand but you crack on and boo all you like. Sometimes our supports gets the team they deserve.
  21. Folk booing at the end in the KM stand can f**k right off and when they get there f**k off again, wankers.
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