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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Come home Scotty, it may take our full transfer budget but it would be money well spent compared to some of the dumplings that have disgraced the navy blue recently
  2. Would probably be better spent than spunking it on 6 or 7 dumplings. At least it would make me happy anyway
  3. I agree with you, for a lot of last season we did not play attractive football. It was slow, laboured, tippy tappy, side to side, across the back crap. We played 35 passes, lost the ball and the opposition went up the park in 3 passes and scored. Our forwards were not up to the task, but then neither was our midfield, defence and keeper. How the f**k did we finish second.
  4. I’ve got a picture of where the gate was but my mates in it when he was younger with Simon Stainrod when he was at the club. It was basically just as the players came out the tunnel. I’m sure Bainsford Bairn or others on here will maybe have better pictures of it. I’m not convinced the gate was there all the time when I first started going to Brockville, I think it was a later addition but I could be wrong.
  5. We’ve probably had the biggest budget, or near to it every season we have been here and yet still managed to make an arse of it. I’ve no reason to believe next season will be any different. At least if we are going to be here, I would like some fixtures that I can look forward to with decent numbers of away fans. That list doesn’t fill me full of excitement for the season ahead.
  6. Away games are brilliant, but I wonder how we would be if instead of going to away games we all put even half of the money we spend on them into the FSS.
  7. There is no way of making that look exciting, alphabetical order or not.
  8. Well here’s the final line up for next season Hamilton Cove Rangers Falkirk Alloa QOS FC Edinburgh Montrose Kelty Hearts Stirling Albion Annan Athletic Exciting looking isn’t it
  9. Congratulations and well done Airdrie. Thoroughly deserved, hope you do well in the Championship.
  10. I totally agree about the away fans. Our games against you, the cup game with Ayr and last week against Airdrie was great seeing the North Stand full of away fans. I’m not having a dig at clubs that don’t bring much away fans but it’s such a better day when you know there are going to be decent away crowds.
  11. Genuine question for you Grant, what level do you think the Pars crowds would have been after 5 years in League One, do you think many would have fallen away. I see us both as similar sized clubs.
  12. I’m not being precious, the abuse we get on here doesn’t honestly bother me now, the way we have been for the past 5 seasons it’s par for the course. I know there are some posters who do have a genuine loathing of Falkirk but for most it’s just a piss take.
  13. I’ve been on P&B for over 20 years now and agree with what you say. In the early days there were some absolutely roasters on here from most clubs. It was a lot more hostile and argumentative in those days and you seemed to get away with more back then. There probably was Falkirk fans who rubbed others up the wrong way as there were from other clubs, I seem to remember St Mirren having a couple of posters who were zoomers back then.
  14. I think we are an easy target these days, there are probably very few teams left in all 4 leagues in Scotland who’s fans haven’t popped in here at some point to have a go at us. It’s like water off a ducks back for me now, they can say what they like. When they are digging us out they are leaving everyone else alone.
  15. I think with McGlynn that may be the case but I don’t honestly think the new board take us for granted in the same way others have. They are fans just like us and I think they will know that for what we all give we expect to see better. That’s why I don’t think McGlynn will be here if things aren’t going great early doors next season.
  16. In light of how much abuse we Falkirk fans take from every c**t and their aunty it got me thinking about supporters of clubs in Scotland. I wonder how many clubs would have kept their gates at the level we have and who’s fans would have stepped up financially in the way we all have, given the level of shite we have been served up the past 5 years. I’m not so sure every club would have received this backing going into their 5th season in League 1. Despite what others say we truly are a loyal mob and the club should be thankful they have us.
  17. We have been so shit lately mate we are an easy target, we’ll soon have the juniors and Grangemouth Summer League fans on here giving us it tight
  18. So what you are saying here, is that when fans of other clubs, no matter what size come in here to give us abuse we have just to take it without offering anything back. I tend to ignore the abuse as god knows we have had it in bucketfuls the last few years but when one of us bites and enters into the banter we get it tight for being Billy bigbaws, we can’t honestly win. Falkirk fans I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, just ignore these fuckers and they will eventually go away.
  19. I don’t think any sort of words or rallying call would do any good at the moment, we’ve heard all the gimmicks and cliches before and are probably all scunnered with it. It’s clear McGlynn is staying, so the only way they can give us hope going forward is to get some decent signings in the door and empty those that are a waste of a wage if they can.
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