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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I fear you are right and can't see the decline ending anytime soon. The crowds will probably start to dwindle as well the longer we are at this level. Will be very difficult to attract the next generation of FFC fans to start watching the team.
  2. I agree but just can't see it happening. Not attending games so I'm not aware if there has been any fans voicing their feelings towards the board. Something definitely needs to change. Things keep going the way they are and we could be getting derbies with the Warriors and Binos next season followed by the Shire the next again.
  3. Think it's maybe time for Mr Deans, Holt, the Rawlins and the rest to hold a meeting for the fans. Not the type where they get to see questions first. A meeting like we had previously under the main stand with McKinnon, Margaret Laing, Lex Miller etc. It's high time they faced the music. I will mention this when I email the club.
  4. Think until we get a squad and manager who accept the fact that we are in the 3rd Div cause we deserve to be here and are willing to fight like f**k to get us out of it we are going to struggle. We need players who are up for the fight and not everyone other c***s cast offs.
  5. We sign too many players who don't have enough fight in them. We have a squad full of smaller players who are quite skillfull but get bodied in most games. To get out this league you need a bit of heart and fight and we lack it. f**k getting a DOF, Chief Executive etc just get us out this league, even if it means us signing the cream of the part-time market.
  6. Where is Bantabairn or the other board fanboys tonight. Could they please explain to us how Deans and his band of jokers are going to turn this mess around and is there any chance of them doing the decent thing and fucking off.
  7. Cheers for this. I would also encourage as may as possible on here who are not happy with how things are going to contact the club. It's a start and at least lets them know we are not happy.
  8. I will write to the club as well. Wasn't there mention at one of the Q&A sessions of an email address that could be used to contact the club with issues.
  9. I think it's the only way to force change pal, these fucks that are in charge will look at packed stands and not give a shite about the mess we are in.
  10. I've not renewed and I've tried like f**k not to show too much interest but it's breaking my heart the mess we are in. How low do we go before fans start showing real protest.
  11. If our fans keep renewing ST's in their thousands f**k all will change. We will probably sack the manager, there will be a huge turnover in players but we will replace hopeless jobbers with another group of hopeless jobbers and we will go through the same scenario again next season. Holt needs to go and so does Deans. The Rawlins need told invest or f**k off as well. Get real fans onboard who actually care about the club and won't continually accept this shite.
  12. To be fair a lot of our support would welcome some form of even partial fan ownership. Unfortunately the current board don't agree having turned down substantial investment from a fans group. We are now in the position of having a couple (Rawlins) calling the shots despite investing very little money and having 20 odd percent of the shares. Whilst we still having thousands rocking up to renew season tickets year on year nothing much is going to change. We must be the easiest going, accept any old shite fanbase in Scotland.
  13. We should change our name to Groundhog Day FC. Every year it's the same, pre-season optimism, good season ticket sales and by a handful of games in we have the same shitshow again from a team full of jobbers. How much longer before we see our club in a semi-respectable place in Scottish football or is the decline going to continue.
  14. You could have a point. We can all look forward to attendances so low that everyone is on first name terms, players wash their own strips and the top prize for the 50/50 draw is a steak pie. Great days ahead
  15. If things don't start going better on the pitch does Sheerin carry the can. Granted how the team plays is down to him but in my opinion there is no way Deans, Holt, Rawlins should be getting it easy. The calibre of player we have is primarily down to Holt and as for the board there is no point in Dof, Chief Execs and whatever else if the product on the park is shite. We are after all a football team.
  16. This should have been his top priority during the summer. To win football games you need to score goals.
  17. Surely Holt working all the hours he did for months could have identified someone.
  18. How long do our fans just keep accepting the shit our board are giving us. Any time we face a so called rival we come up short. They don't deserve the crowds they get.
  19. Thought we had turned a corner under Sheerin and were finally seeing a team that would get us out of league 1, comments regarding today are worrying.
  20. I took my daughter to Brockville for what I thought would be her first of many games when she was about 6/7 yrs old, can't remember the game but it was freezing. She is 27 now and a mum herself and has never set foot in a football ground since. Saved herself a lifetime of grief and heartache. My granddaughter is 18mnths now so I'm not sure if I should introduce the wee one to the pain.
  21. Exactly this, with the way our club has been run for the past 4 seasons we are well past the point of knicker wetting and have moved on to shiting our drawers.
  22. That is an amazing crowd for this level of football. The fans deserve so much better when you look at what other teams are achieving in Scottish football with far less backing.
  23. Playing in the 3rd tier of Scottish football, yet again failing to beat a full time team. What was the attendance today ?
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