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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Went to see my staunch old father in law in hospital yesterday and he spent the 45mins visit telling me that no way would Stevie G leave Rangers as he was dedicated to them. Oh dear auld yin sounds like you know f**k all. Hope this doesn’t set his recovery back [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  2. We might have a bit of competition there for the next Netflix series then.
  3. Netflix should do a “Falkirk till I die” series, we’ve had way more goings on than Sunderland has.
  4. To be fair for the past 4/5 seasons we have assembled teams that have been shite, we seem to be getting very good at it. Now we even have a DoF who appears to be taking things to a new level.
  5. I’ve said this for a while we should start looking at the top end of the part time market instead of continually fishing in the dregs of the full time pool. At least until we get back up and then we can maybe think about going completely full time. There are better part time players than the dross we sign, just because they are full time doesn’t necessarily mean better.
  6. Deans, Colburn and the Rawlins should hire a bus instead of a taxi and when they are leaving just take every other c**t with them. The place needs completely cleared out.
  7. Some of the chants from years gone by would get you the jail now. Jason Lee’s pineapple, Enoch’s boaby, female physios and cops being encouraged to get a certain part of their body out for the lads. The dark old days of football chants, my old man died in 2005 and some of the stuff he used to come out with would see him in the cells at Falkirk cop shop now.
  8. Most folk of a certain age, me included still use the term hen.
  9. See for me players/refs/ boards and their performances are fair game but I absolutely despise shite like that. Despicable behaviour.
  10. I can’t speak for others but a lot of the folk I know who have withheld ST money are still going to away games. Also these are folk who have followed Falkirk for 30, 40 + years since the days we were playing in the bottom tier at Brockville in front of gates of 1000 so I don’t think they fit the tag “ glory hunter”.
  11. I agree about egos and think that has been an issue in the past. Previous boards have included fans who have seen and used it as a status symbol and taken all the benefits that come with being a board member and let it go to their heads, they have allowed themselves to become detached from ordinary fans. I’m not sure about going back to games yet, I gave up my ST the first year we went down in protests against the board, I renewed when the Rawlins came onboard thinking we were about to see real change only for it to be another false dawn. Hopefully by Xmas we will have a better idea of what is going on and a half ST could be on the wish list from Santa.
  12. The fan base have had every right to be very angry the past 4/5years as the club have gone from one disaster to the next. The one constant throughout that is the fans, whether rightly or wrongly have backed the club financially and have every right to expect better. Whoever takes over isn’t getting a club on its arse supporter wise, they have something to work with and let’s be honest here our expectations have been driven so low by recent boards that we would probably get behind any sort of recovery/improvement.
  13. Whoever takes over the club, I just want owners who get us all together, singing from the same hymn sheet for the good of the club and put a stop to every other c**t in Scottish football pointing and laughing at us. Not too much to ask [emoji16]
  14. I hope we get the right folk in and by that I mean folk that can get us all board, players, fans pulling in the same direction towards getting some success on the park again. I pray for once that the real fans can get involved in some way financially towards the running of our club.
  15. I haven’t, I’m one of these strange creatures that doesn’t have FB, twitter, instagram etc.
  16. Think we need a clear out from top to bottom, need a Falkirk fan to win the euro millions.
  17. I’m like a broken record that has the needle stuck perpetually on the groove but I feel like I’m repeating myself continually on here and when I’m speaking to fellow fans. I agree totally with what your saying about Sheerin and Holt but it runs right through the veins of our club. Our entire board apart from Phil Rawlins have no football experience, Sheerin as a lone manager of a full time football team has no experience, Holt as a DoF has no experience. Someone mentioned in a previous post after I mentioned this, we are like a learning school and it is not a good recipe for getting us out of what is proving to be a tough league. Our board, manager and DoF keep making mistakes and it may be good for their future learning but for us it’s doing us no good at all.
  18. That pen is horrendous, Soft doesn’t even begin to describe it.
  19. This current team won’t win us promotion. Granted they could produce a miracle come the January window but given Holt/Sheerins transfer dealing so far that would appear highly unlikely. I admire your optimism.
  20. Shows how poor a league this is that our shower of shite are only 3 points off top.
  21. Have to blame Holts recruitment for the lack of a striker. Last season we were mince up front and that should have been top of his priority list. It’s fine for him to say at the q&a that he had a list of 14 strikers who turned us down for various reasons some including wages we could offer. You have to think though that if we weren’t spunking money on a large quantity of players who are absolute shite we may have been able to get in a decent striker.
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