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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Would love it to happen but can’t see Jack Ross coming near us, we are more likely to get the ex fife c**t Ross Jack.
  2. That’s my half season ticket bought. Looking forward to getting the thermals back on again [emoji1787][emoji1787]
  3. I’ll probably start going back to games now, have boycotted TFS this season so far but will probably buy a half season ST if they are made available. Have moaned like f**k about the board but now feel it’s probably time to get behind the new regime, manager and fingers crossed new signings. Still expect Holt to be shown the door though.
  4. They changed the job title and gave me other roles and included the work of the person that left. I agree we could get by without having Holt’s remit.
  5. I had this discussion with a fellow fan yesterday. Before anyone jumps down my throat I’m not comparing us with Man Utd but Rangnick has come in there and he has a great squad of players to work with, whoever gets our gig thanks to Holt really doesn’t. We don’t have a great squad of players, the spine of the team is shit and we are top heavy with the same type of player, we also lack fight in the side.
  6. You could make the DoF role redundant and recruit someone else in a similar role but give it a different title and maybe look at including something slightly different in the remit. Happened to me with a previous employer.
  7. Holt has to go as well, Sheerin going and Holt staying is a load of absolute bollocks.
  8. Spent yesterday afternoon at a day out getting absolutely ripped by fans of various other clubs, will spend tomorrow at work getting absolutely ripped by fans of other clubs. That’s what this board have turned us Falkirk fans into folk that other fans can point and laugh at and it has to stop. I don’t know who the new manager or management team should be but for me it has to involve someone with a bit of experience. We cannot go down the rookie manager route again as we have tried that with M&M and Sheerin and it hasn’t worked. Holt definitely needs to go and whether we need to get another DoF in is up for debate but somewhere in our structure there has to be someone along the lines of a Smith, Totten, Jefferies etc an old head who knows the score.
  9. End of December!!!! I won’t be happy if the management are still in place by the end of next week.
  10. Without suspensions and injuries we field a much weakened team every week thanks to Gary Holt and Paul Sheerin so you should be fine.
  11. I’m not saying there aren’t people attached to our club doing good work in our community but at the moment I wouldn’t describe us as a community club and the fault for that lies with the board, they have done a cracking job to alienate a lot of our fans, their customers. Thankfully the majority will be gone soon and hopefully we will see a totally different approach by the new board.
  12. Jeezo our club is an absolute fucking mess, remember they tried to say we were a community club, what a crock of shite.
  13. It’s good that there is change coming at board level, the current board have achieved one thing really well in my opinion. They have been absolutely fantastic at alienating a large quantity of our fanbase. That will be the legacy of our current board.
  14. Been watching the Bairns since early 70’s and best manager for me was Jefferies. In terms of watching great football and actually looking forward to a Saturday that era was fantastic. The support we used to carry away from home and the atmosphere at games was brilliant. Apart from going into administration, Jefferies leaving us for Hearts was one of the lowest points for me as it really felt like the end of something special.
  15. Bet you if they played 10 man Raith they wouldn’t get pumped
  16. I only watched about 20 seconds as I can’t be arsed listening to him anymore but that is exactly what he said in his opening gambit. He looks like he can’t be arsed anymore, wish he would just go.
  17. I’ve not renewed my ST but I’m investing in the FSS, try anything to get these utter fucking diddies away from our club. Only way I can see us being saved is to get real fans involved, not the kiddie on type that claim to be Bairns who’s first visit to Hope St was for a loaf of bread when Morrisons opened.
  18. We know, we keep telling everyone but no c**t seems to listen.
  19. Sheerin wants us out the cup so he can concentrate on trying to attain the stupendous achievement of getting us a top 4 place in the 3rd Division.
  20. We get done off 10 men here and that c**t better get punted tonight.
  21. [emoji1787][emoji1787]true, it’s not like we don’t have anything else to moan about just now.
  22. I think there are teams you associate more with that style of play and it’s not just a manager/coach thing. I’ve never associated ICT with being a team that plays like that in the same way in my time watching Falkirk we haven’t had an abundance of hatchet man type players. Teams like Airdrie, Hearts have always been teams previously that I’ve associated with that style of play. Wish we were a bit harder at times though.
  23. Sometimes certain players are just not suited to clubs, maybe Keena going to Raith would work for him. I know Keena wasn’t a Holt player but It’s a shame Holt seems to have the same remit with regards to signings as those who have decided them in the past 4/5 years. We are getting really good at identifying players who are not suited to Falkirk. We are becoming something of a career graveyard for a lot of our signings.
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