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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Our deficiency in the striker dept for me is the first thing Holt should have addressed pre-season. We seem to be really short up front which was a glaring issue last season.
  2. Nice to see the people of Perth out supporting their team in decent numbers, there's a first for everything but hopefully some of them stick with the club and they don't slump back to piss poor crowds as usual.
  3. It would be great if Rawlins and the fans group could work together. If however Rawlins with 26% of shares for an investment far less than the fans were willing to put up isn't up for giving in to some of their demands it is never going to happen. The board would love the fans to stump up the cash and just fade into the background but no one would just do that given the way things were going when the offer was made. Just hope both sides can find a way going forward so that the investment can be made.
  4. I never renewed and haven't seen us in the flesh this season. Watched the East Kilbride game on live stream but that's been it so far. There used to be 7 of us that went and only one goes now but on a pay per game basis. Each to their own, i've no issues at all with folk buying ST's and I'm happy the team are doing well. Not sure when I'll be back as I've started working Saturday's now and I'm not usually finished until 3ish.
  5. I was at school with Brian, really sorry to hear that. Hope he makes a full recovery.
  6. Come on now, this was a Championship live TV game with two of Scotlands big clubs whereas we are a small 3rd division team.
  7. It's usually electricity but Fife is a strange place.
  8. Did one of the Raith players have WIFI OFF on the back of their jersey.
  9. Yeah just heard the Raith boy say that. Load of bollocks, looked like a right shite crowd for a derby too.
  10. Nae fecking wifi wtf, Raith should have spent some of their Government £500k gift on decent wifi. 4000 fans my hoop.
  11. Fife derby, what a fecking riddy. Raith should have spent some of their £500k hand out on the leccie bill.
  12. Dowds away to Arbroath on loan until January, surely to feck we will bring someone else in.
  13. Only seen us once this season on Falkirk TV against East Kilbride but I've watched all Sheerins pre and post match interviews and he come across as a genuinly decent guy who I hope does well at our club.
  14. Sorry, misread your post. Agree with what you are saying
  15. It's funny how folk see games. I thought apart from where he should have squared the ball in the first half Weekes was good tonight and looked totally comfortable on the ball.
  16. First time i've seen them this season, paid the £7 for Falkirk TV. I know its mostly a second string for us but some decent play. I know i'm in no position to comment but I don't think Wilson has looked that bad, certainly not in the Dennon Lewis, Akeel Francis bracket but as I say first viewing. Think the Albanian lad from Huddersfield looks like he could do a job, big and powerful.
  17. Brian Rice away from Hamilton, think we dodged one there. Was a good player for us but not convinced he would have been a good fit as gaffer for us.
  18. We better get the finger out of our arses and get out of league 1 pronto. If the rumours about their finances are to be believed they could be making a visit to the lower leagues again soon.
  19. It's the folk that take the flutes to go with the drums that I hate the most
  20. They would give you the pot, minus the piss. Mind you I've no doubt if you wanted the piss too they would give you that as well
  21. Yeah me too. Been there 3 times and the Cubans are the friendliest people i've ever met. Don't have a pot to piss in most of them but if they did they would give you it.
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