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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Don't blame you, wtf is the miral high ground?
  2. Fair point actually, but given Marshy invented a son who lived with him to get round a ban for his arrow alias then he cannot inhabit the miral high ground. The Tory has left me, I just pray for a sensible middle ground to Socialist Party that realises Capitalism needs to play its part while getting the likes of PFI in the sea. I have very specific needs.
  3. Ah the power of the Whatsapp group. If you cannot see it, I cannot educate you as there is none so blind as those who will not see.
  4. I am bored & on holiday. The wee bootlicker has started to arrow me, I shall reciprocate with alacrity. The bootlicker will be at a disadvantage while he asks his qualified historian master what that means.
  5. Marshy, do you have an actual job or do you just live on here 24/7 to give your wee cliquemates coloured arrows to help them out as and when required,
  6. Did the toothless virgin tell you to say that or did you think it up all on your own?
  7. Not often that I will agree with your take on things but the Anti-Semitism and bigotry on here is disgusting. Hilarious that the same people who will scream about any perceived racist slight seem to care not a jot about the Children of Jah.
  8. Genuinely serious question, why is the banned homophobic, bigoted fantatist Tartan Tammy 1297 able to red dot posters? He is targeting another poster for some unknown reason but how is he able to? @keithgy @Bully Wee Villa
  9. The massive financial advantage ( no, they do not just want it more) and Rodgers legacy took care of that. The wheels are now starting to fall off because you have an angry, seething bigot in charge who has nothing to offer but hatred, and, theyum, look at theyum. Not a fan of his take on same sex relationships either but that appears to be roundly ignored.
  10. In my defence, I did say at times @Jacksgranda
  11. Tbf to gannonball he can be pretty even handed at times & have to agree with his take on this one as it isn't a deliberately targeted elbow. For epitome of said specimen see the Cult adherent that is willy, Jim Jones would have had him in charge of dishing out the koolaid.
  12. Ffs, a Celtic fan finally says what I have been saying about their clubs penny pinching ways for years. Yet wraps it up in so much deluded militaristic language that I am regretting being right all this time, it is a game of bloody football, it is not the playground of Machiavelli & Napoleon
  13. Because the 'ra & Uncle Peter getting his bonus & the tax dodger getting his Stud Fees paid. Easy option to get the matching jaikit brigade distracted for the last 2 things to transpire, then remind said jaikit brigade of the 1st thing & theyum & all will be well.
  14. Willy will never accept that anything connected to Celtic can do anything wrong so best to save any wear and tear on your keyboard or phone screen.
  15. It keeps showing up on my FB timeline even though I don't have a pet, makes a change from the weird & wonderful delights of wish.com I suppose.
  16. It might be www.crownandpaw.com hth if that is the bugger you were looking for.
  17. I saw those incidents & there wasn't enough in them to justify censure, if you want to see Violent Conduct meriting a red card then watch Andy Carroll in action. Merely being a big clumsy lump is not in itself an offence that merits a card, the tackle before the incident at the touchline was a yellow, Duffys wasn't.
  18. Sometimes I think that football fans should be made to take a refeering exam before being allowed to have an opinion.
  19. Imho Collum got 2 calls wrong, there should have been a free kick before the 2nd goal albeit Griffiths finish was quality & McGregor should have got a 2nd yellow for the penalty. I cant see why people are saying that he and Duffy should have been off before when watching the incidents.
  20. You have been consistent in your criticism of Lennon from the start, rightly so, & benny knows damn well fine what he is doing. Willy will be along soon to argue that the sky is green however.
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