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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. f**k you, I'm resigning!!!! Erm, Ferocious Ness, same time next week?
  2. I get that, have been thinking very hard about it for a long time. As I have said previously I did vote for my Labour MP the last time out, because of his track record & a long doorstep conversation that convinced me to revert back. Now that the Party is moving back towards the centre, and given the current clusterfuck we are witnessing, it is safe to assume he has my vote for the forseeable future.
  3. Tbf, when I am in that place I can beat myself up for breathing the wrong way. Meh, pretty sure the devil has my card marked no matter which way I vote.
  4. I missed that one, might have to do some more *ahem* research, will see you lads sometime next week.
  5. Cheers min, I know only too well how much I made an arse of it.
  6. Pics or GTF. ( Not really I have already looked, but if you really must).
  7. Can't promise that, not going to anytime soon that is for sure. I was thinking more along the lines of the supreme fuckwittery from me when reacting to the wee clique who are trying & failing to be the Hibs Bois from a few years ago.
  8. This is why people call me a c**t, can't really argue with that, but ffs stop thinking I am a horrible person. Just 'cos I might vote that way sometimes doesn't mean I think the way that others who do, do. If I promise to never be such a fuckwit again, can everyone promise to only bring it up once or twice a day?
  9. @Romeo, do you sometimes find, just like your accursed team, it all gets too easy?
  10. Cheers Slipps, would have been happy to start again at the bottom so thanks for that, thanks for the other words as well. It is a b*****d at times, hit me hard from nowhere last week & has been brutal but I know as well as the help I get from elsewhere there are plenty of gid cnuts on here who are always ready to help anyone who is struggling.
  11. Most importantly, I will take my place in the Seaside League on Monday although I will be avoiding most other threads for a while, I don't want to come across all The Moomintroll but can my meagre previous achievements be transferred across to my new Clumpany? I need to take every positive I can get.
  12. Sorry everyone, posted earlier but it appears to have been lost in the wasteland. I had an absolute nightmare last week & I apologise for the complete absurdity of that last post from my previous incarnation. I have touched on it on the relevant thread before but unfortunately I suffer from severe mental health issues & I wake up most mornings thankful that my complete incompetence means that my Suicide attempts up until now have been unsuccessful. I can be a crabby f**ker at times but I can usually recognise the signs & stop posting before the Dog takes over me & I become a different person. If you feel you don't like me for whatever reason then please Marshy me & enjoy your enhanced Forum experience but don't insult me personally when you have no idea who I am & how I behave in my day to day life. Feel free to insult me for the utter nonsense that I post on here however (after this Mea Culpa) as I totally deserve that. I am on record here somewhere saying that I voted for my local Labour MP in the last General Election after having a very long conversation with him around the Party Leadership, even though I have voted Tory before & probably might do again at some point in the future down here in Englandshire it does not mean I agree with all their politics, I just feel the need to vote during every election & pick the best of a bad bunch. TL;DR sorry for losing the plot, if you want to hate me, just ignore me but when I talk shite tell me I have & I promise not to take the huff.
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