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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Hang on, are we both agreeing that we are not being entirely serious about this & are just having a laugh about Sunday meltdowns?
  2. Sorry Mr Comrade, I need to remember that some animals are more equal than others.
  3. As an SME you should be very thankful that is the case Comrade.
  4. *Insert "This is why Aliens wont talk to us Gif"* You are correct, we have more mouth breathers than any other Country, it is particularly prevalent down here in Englandshire because Two World Wars and One World Cup & even more so round here in calm down land because r Derek in Militant Tendencies. This may well point to the fact that extremist arseholes are arseholes no matter if they are left or right.
  5. Plagiarist would be a fine word to describe someone who is trying to take credit for another persons work, does anyone agree?
  6. I just invented a new phrase, copy cats.
  7. @throbber should just dedicate one of his cocks of many colours to him.
  8. I could not possibly comment, It's Sunday, I am bored & this place hasn't had a proper Sunday Funday for yonks.
  9. I might not agree with everything she says & does but the Dreggin Dreadnaught has played a blinder throughout this.
  10. People who have a go at you for being "Tory Scum" while living in a big hoose with a swimming pool & paying their workies as close to NMW as they can get away with, Capitalistic b*****ds that they are.
  11. I voted for Justin Madders in the last General Election.
  12. You don't often get things right vT, but you have summed this up well. All Neil Doncaster has done is ride the shitstorm & occasionally popped up to point out the obvious bollocks & this has made him seem almost statesmanlike in comparison to the toys/pram outage interface scenario that is Parks & Budge. Lest we forgot however, the man is an incompetent wugwump who is being made to look better than self interested shitgibbons who are somehow even more incompetent in spite of the fact they have built very successful businesses elsewhere.
  13. Don't tell me thats Robbie Coltrane away as well.
  14. You cannot blame the Tories for the thick arseholes who will ignore the lockdown instructions because f**k the Police. I stay near Liverpool and see it every day.
  15. ^^ TC Campbell alias found, seriously Dele just GTF away from people like that.
  16. Correct GD, however there are two types of people who will not follow this Common Sense approach.
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