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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Serious answer, we have been instructed to tell repeat offenders to leave the Premises, if they refuse or become abusive we activate our personal alarms & the Police will attend when the call centre verify we have an issue.
  2. We are B2B, we educate & inform first but will invite you to leave if you don't comply. If you still refuse to leave then StaffSafe will be used & the Police will become involved. The vast majority of the time however, a friendly reminder & some customer service skills that do not involve being a sneering, condescending p***k does the trick as people generally want to follow the rules but they just forget sometimes.
  3. If they did that at Tesco St Rollox, they would have no staff left to do the picking for click and collect or home deliveries. Every aisle you go down, there will be a Tesco staff member going against the tide. That is shocking, my mob are sick of me & my one way crusade but you can't expect customers to adhere to it if the team won't.
  4. Bin them then, we have been encouraged to kick out repeat offenders by the high heid yins if they refuse to comply.
  5. I obviously don't know your circumstances but if you have been doing a lot of weight training rather than cardio then there is a good chance that your weight will remain stable but your BMI will have came down. Again look at the positive, a lot of people will come out of lockdown much heavier, I have been working all the way through and have still managed to put 6 lbs on, i get that it is well nigh impossible when you are on a downer but try & give yourself some credit.
  6. Fair point. All i meant was he knows full well he is at it so best not to let him wind you up, it could be worse, he could be willy, I honestly think he really believes what he is saying.
  7. The Museum of Liverpool & the International Slavery Museum is an enlightening & sobering thing to behold. We have a lot to answer for.
  8. Romeo loves a good wind up, I fell for it a few times but finally realised his tongue is firmly in cheek & he is just having a good laugh at anyone who falls for it (including me before I tumbled to it). Dindy is a fine upstanding citizen & I will not hear a bad word said about him.
  9. Yeah, you would think.....I did stop hurting my back so much when I got sparkled tbf so that's a bonus.
  10. In hindsight I probably should not have sparred with mates who did some amateur boxing, never mind , they enjoyed the target practice.
  11. I must have had some serious arseholes for mates. I sadly remember that dull thudding feeling too often as the baterree rather than the batterrer, that shit hurt.
  12. Gads but I feel a kinship with him at the moment, safe to say you can file me under moronic & naive, never again.
  13. @Shandon Par, some invaluable coaching tips there.
  14. The cynic in me suggests that the 1 metre rule will magically come in just as the Hospitality Sector reopens down here on the 4th of July. Good news as the Independent Sector really needs it but utterly shameless populism from the Government.
  15. Mate dont do that, it will reinforce the stigma around it wherever it is coming from in your head & will lock you in to a destructive cycle. I know I have a bloody cheek given recent events but try to look at things like having a chippy as being a reward for being disciplined with your eating habits through the week, make it a positive thing rather than something to beat yourself up about. Hope you can get through the shite, PM me any time if you are really struggling.
  16. Thanks a'body for all the help, too many to mention but you all know who you are. Thanks especially to @Marshmallo ,helped me when I really needed it & I appreciated the help. ETA I say help far too much.
  17. Was close but still hanging on, going to be rough though, I'm hoping that the hangover will render me incapable of doing anything.
  18. Thanks Marshy, I am struggling like f**k, it is not a good place to be but little things like that really helps.
  19. Sorry if I have alarmed anyone, I have taken wellyheids advice & got totally smashed, or it might have been welshbairn, I can't remember, anyhoo I am hanging on for now, I love this place sometimes but the dog is really crushing me. Will trymy best to get out the other side but I have been sneeringly told I can't get my meds until Tuesday Afternoon, even the Acute Care Unit don't seem to care anymore even though I have enjoyed stays there previously.
  20. I really think it is time for me to go, my Doctors have delayed my Prescription for my anti depressants for 5 days now, they say it's because only 1 of them are working & they dont have time to send the ok to the pharmacy. Whats the point if that is the attitude of people, I want it to be an accident as I want Snork Maiden to get the insurance & get on with her life, just cherish every minute peeps, sure I will get out of this but just in case.
  21. All I will say is that when my Soylent Green moment comes, Life on Mars will be the last thing I ever hear.
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