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Everything posted by Caledonian1

  1. I put one in three years ago and very happy with it. The Scot Gov 10 year interest free loan of £10k and seven years worth of RHI payments amounting to around £2000 per year convinced me that it was a good idea to install a completely new system with new piping and radiators. I had no central heating before and built an extension which made the house about twice the size of the original. It definitely works better in the three year old part of the house compared to the 148 year old part as the insulation is far superior. At weekend I tend to put on my woodburner if I want the room to be toasty.
  2. I thought they might have given Robson his old job back.....but obviously not
  3. so the Klopp romours are true.....wow, must admit I was surprised that he announced his intention to leave Liverpool.....
  4. Yes, I know what you mean. here is some CCTV footage from Bundesautobhan 99 this morning.........
  5. I went on a golf holiday to Miami about 10 years ago. We arrived at our Apartment at night and were 13 floors up - I went out to the balcony and recall mentioning the tower blocks not so far away. Got up in the morning and these tower blocks were gone....only to be replaced later in the day by some more....I couldnt comprehend the size of the cruise liners then (had never actually seen one before) This new one is obviously bigger. I must admit I would love to go on a cruise on a vessel that size....just to see what it is like - can only imagine it is even bigger than the Northlink to Orkney and Shetland from Aiberdeen.
  6. There must be a very good Carry On film on the other side for this one to have been missed
  7. If Maidstone was in Scotland it would be the fourth largest conurbation - population of 180,000
  8. well the only other team definitely through and in the draw for the next round is Manchester City
  9. Just wondering if Ipswich have been hampered by playing three ex-Dons today?
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/winter-sports/68063528 Never played at Perth but delighted to see this change of heart. The more access to curling the better. Really enjoying my curling this season - play approximately once a week and it fair helps pass the winter months.
  11. That annoyed me a great deal yesterday. Never see the English FA Cup relegated to the foot of the page.
  12. Gorddon playing earlier and McCrorie starting for Rangers (hope this prompts someone to take him on loan in next couple of weeks to ensure he gets first team football - he could be the future but as things stand we have no idea)
  13. You went to the same church as Stewart Milne?
  14. I recall seeing the teleprinter (predecessor to videprinter - which you show above in colour) long before 1984 and do recall the spelt out scores but definitely in brackets. This was only example I could find but unfortunately no big score
  15. " I don't see what we have done wrong" Lying about involvement with PPE Medpro worked for a few years but now that you have admitted that it was a "mis-truth" you can expect further scrutiny of any company you have been involved with in the past. I am really enjoying the whole unravelling of the Barrowman / Mone empire affair and custodial sentences are surely on the horizon. If as expected we get a Labour government later this year I really hope that they are serious about tax fraud / evasion and it's not just another false promise. The schemes Barrowman and his companies ran sound very much like those used by the former Glasgow Rangers FC - loans instead of increased wages with no prospect (or desire) to get them paid back It would be the icing on the cake if it turned out to be Barrowman behind the Rangers EBT's
  16. and thats the bit that really annoys me - why, are we the public, paying for these incredibly vain women to get their trout pout moos's?
  17. Heaps of snow in Aberdeenshire too. Side roads nae great and a good few drifts - most powdery snow I think I have ever seen.
  18. Yes, Pele* himself............the Fochabers version that is. *For our younger vewiers that is Steve Paterson (of "I canna be arsed geting oot of my bed, I'm still pished and it's only Dundee we are playing - you be manager today Duncan" fame)
  19. Very interesting ....what i want to know though is, when did they start displaying a score spelt out in brackets? ie Partick thistle 16 (sixteen) v Royal Albert 0
  20. yup, you are so right once again. Can't recall how their season went but you will be more aware than me no doubt.
  21. I will be 60 later this year. Everything was going fine but since the start of 2024 I have read on P&B of people wiping their arse sitting down and now you suggest I should be naked in preparation of the deed.....I am completely confused and whilst I suspect I have had circa 18,000 poops in my life there is now the dawning realisation that I am getting it all wrong.
  22. Looking forward to seeing Conway and McCrorie playing for Bristol City tonight on BBC1 jeeso as I type Conway scores in 2 minutes....... Can't believe its McCrories debut
  23. I think I mentioned this earlier on this thread but I bumped into Bobby Clark last summer whilst playing Moray Old - he was out walking and helped me look for my ball........as soon as I recognised who it was I went up and shook his hand and told him he was my hero when I was a youngster. He looked extremely fit and well - tellin me he either plays golf every day or goes out for long walks along the beach.
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