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Everything posted by Bogbrush1903

  1. Unlike the Tennants Sixes, where that 1980s consecutive victory trophies take pride of place on the Tynecastle sideboard.
  2. I questioned whether Shinnie would make a difference having not seen him for a couple of seasons and that I was concerned if Goodwin would utilise him properly given that the signing might've been instigated by Cormack. However, I said after the St Johnstone game that I was wrong and that he's made a significant difference to the team. I don't think I've heard or read anybody question Shinnie after seeing him in either of his first two games therefore I'm not sure what your post is referring to?
  3. In a similar vein, it made me think of Mauchlen and MacAllister joining Leicester City, although they had more success than Wallace and Hughes 'dahn sarf'...
  4. No, but I can see why you went with Cowan due to the Portadown entry. A clue is that he played for us and the predecessors of the tribute act and actually got sent off on his return to Pittodrie with the now dearly departed club after an alteration with his replacement, who also played for both clubs.
  5. Correct, I was thinking about it when I was shaving and just returned to say Jim Hamilton I played up front with Hamilton at an Aberdeen Select trial up in Sheddocksly in the late 1980s...he played for a good team and I played for a really poor one but I scored a hat-trick and he was pish and moaned at me throughout. He was selected and I was thrown out. But his father was in the game which always helps...
  6. Actually I agree with that, I was thinking that after I had turned off my phone to sleep. The only thing was that it might be harder to find the managerial history of junior teams. Was you able to identify the player from Google searches of the information provided in the managerial section? I should've redacted everything in the managerial section apart from the years and the Rangers part of Kilsyth Rangers.
  7. Here's someone you'll know Joey but can you identify him with crucial career moments redacted?
  8. This could be a good game but we need to make it more difficult for the cheaters. The more obscure teams the player has, the easier they are to discover. Also the years make it easy, so have a try at this one, a more known player but an opportunity maybe to get your thinking caps on rather than just lazy google searches...
  9. Hopefully we'll get shot of Watkins too. I didn't want him back and he hasn't offered much. However, I wasn't all that bothered about Shinnie coming back but after one match he's convinced me that he still has lot to offer the Dons
  10. I'm not surprised he's coming back up the road, I saw him play for Sheffield Wednesday in October and he struggled. I'm sure Shinnie will give the 'enforcer' a warm welcome next week...
  11. Hmmm, you want to make a player signing on for five months the captain? Unfortunately, this signing has Cormack's fingerprints all over it. Temporarily placate the fans with an old hero back into the fray, but does Goodwin want him? Is this Shinnie return going to cause issues on and off the field? I'm more upbeat about the Myslovič signing although I know absolutely nothing about him. Hopefully Shinnie still has the drive and the legs to match, and Goodwin plays him in centre-midfield if he is up to it. However, if you're hoping for Shinnie miracles to save this season then I would advise a splash of cold water over the face.
  12. Uncanny similarities , all peas from the same pod or cheeks of the same arse
  13. You sound like a Sevco supporter...they set up defensively and it's up to us to break them down. They played the way we played against Celtic so we're hardly in a position to criticise. We're pish.
  14. I agree with @DrewDon from an Aberdeen perspective with regards the sickening double whammy 2-3 defeat against Sevco but that was the icing on a very shit filled cake having suffered Goodwin's San Marino strategy against the other cheek only three days before. Three days of footballing hell. From a Scotland perspective, when we bowed to popular demand, and gave the Ukraine an uplifting victory at Hampden in the summer. And for 2023, my footballing low point will be Aberdeen getting knocked out the cup at Darvel.
  15. It highlights what a shit time its been for United fans when a 0-9 defeat doesn't make your lowest point of the year.
  16. This is the problem, and we don't even know how much of an input Gunn has in the decision. Goodwin was appointed with undue haste, like Cormack just wanted the managerial vacancy issue to be addressed quickly without due diligence to the successor. Goodwin certainly hadn't impressed much in his managerial career up until he was appointed Aberdeen manager. Consequently, I was left thinking well maybe he's thought highly of in the game as a manager and tipped for the top. However, in the ten months since he's made error of judgement after error of judgement and occasionally he says he's learning when the evidence suggests he's doing anything but learning. I'm now of the mind that we should bring an experienced man in and invite him to take his preferred successor with him and let's see if we can adopt succession planning rather than this random inexperienced appointments every twelve months. Cormack though must, if he is to have a successful tenure, take a step back and allow the football operations to be run by football men. He can still involve himself in the side projects, such as the pipedream new stadium, but leave the footballing aspect well alone...
  17. It's ok to say give him x amount of windows but he's got to show in-between those windows that he's building a decent squad that are playing for him. We haven't seen in-between the summer window and this window that he's developing anything. Many of the players brought in the summer don't look particularly good and now we're talking about bringing in mid-30s defenders in this window when he got rid of Considine last season. He'll need to get positive results. If the bad run of form continues then, whether ten months is long enough or not, he'll have to go. If things go awry at Darvel, is head will be required immediately.
  18. I think the player must have single-minded focus to reach the top. Take Garry O'Connor for example, He probably actually over-achieved considering his seemingly goldfish like attention span and was been handed lots of cash that he would've never received in any other walk of life. When I saw the rotund striker playing for Selkirk at Nairn County it seemed his natural home. Then a 16 year old like Harry Cochrane or Fraser Fyvie does well against one of the Gruesomes and suddenly the media thinks the sky is the limit. But a 16 year old can be single-minded (just about) on his football whilst the 20 year old version of the player could get distracted by external factors. I think there are various elements that decide how far a player can go including ability, good pros around him, single-minded to achieve, desire, luck and good managers (and probably quire rare, but a good agent). Most of the players on this thread reached their level, someone can, on occasion, suffer serious injury that can cause a major setback but that's usually because the player hasn't the necessary desire to fight back.
  19. And McInnes would've been a lot better off too because we were paying him reputedly 17k a week which, I imagine (I hope) is a lot less than Goodwin. Goodwin isn't working out just like Glass didn't but that doesn't mean McInnes is/was the answer because he wasn't working out either by the time he left. We're in a different Scottish football environment than we were when Delboy was at his peak as Aberdeen manager. Fans need to stop applying what happened in the past to what happens today.
  20. Ah interesting you used the past tense there. When did he cease his gem like status in your eyes? Was it when his most attractive job offer after us was in the Championship with Killie? He was a gem for us but he stopped being a gem around the late summer of 2017 and started becoming a very lacklustre, uber-defensive, extremely well compensated and unambitious coach who liked to sign Greg Stewart and Dom Ball periodically. So that drunken ninja and you can stop your Chick Young/BBC Radio Weeg guff about 'delusions of grandeur'...we just want a winning team on the park like fans of every other club but in Scotland only Tweedledee and Tweedledum are allowed success.
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