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Everything posted by Bogbrush1903

  1. I did and let's not rewrite history that McInnes shouldn't have gone when he did, his time was up and rut started with him. The fact that Cormack has made a mess of finding a suitable successor doesn't mean McInnes shouldn't have left when he did. Cormack has been too quick to hire and not done the necessary background work to identify someone. The haste at which Goodwin (and Glass) were appointed was a joke of a proper prawcess. But nor did we need to hound out McInnes because Cormack wanted his own yes man...
  2. Goodwin's tenure as Aberdeen manager found black ice and he's now frantically oversteering to recover the situation that is escalating fast out of his control. This isn't going to end well as he would need to display managerial skills, that from the evidence of his whole managerial career, he doesn't seem to possess, to start moving forward and out of this rut. I would imagine Cormack will hope that six points from the next two home fixtures will calm the growing displeasure of Goodwin amongst the support but even in the ideal scenario, it looks like he'll be plugging a hole when the dam has already burst. With the fixtures then taking us to Hampden, Darvel, Hearts and Hibs he seems to be heading into a minefield without a plan other than to sign better defenders in the January window. Furthermore, I can't listen to his interviews any longer so I'm not sure how the players can cope with him on a daily basis. There's something unlikeable and self-serving about him. There's no room for error now for Goodwin. What should've been a straightforward couple of home games now see the vultures circling around Pittodrie as they see a manager on his last legs.
  3. I fanc I fancy a Dons win tonight for exactly this reason, that Goodwin desperately needs it We haven't been playing that badly, it really has been a case where the manager has been fault. Terrible ultra-defensive tactics, poor use of squad, poor use of substitutions and bizarre game time decisions like allowing Roos to go up for a corner with five minutes left. So I'm tentatively going for a 1-2 away win.
  4. It's amazing to think that only ten years later from this match he would already have been manager of Manchester United for a month but had accomplished so much in Scottish Football (and beyond) in between 1976 and 1986 , completely changed the fortunes of Aberdeen and taken Scotland national team to a World Cup.
  5. There was a young lad in the late 1980s, early 1990s called Bogbrush1903, had it all, wing wizardry, a vulture's instinct in front of goal, 20/20 vision and could find a pass to feet from 40 yards but he traded it all in for wine, women and song...well probably more just wine and song... Will we ever see his like again?
  6. After the demise of Meadowbank Thistle, who do you follow now? Is it Edinburgh City or F.C Edinburgh as they are now named?
  7. It's embarrassing and deeply depressing. I really hope that light can be shone on social media morons like this and expose them. From the club's point of view, how can we attract the best players possible to the club or keep our stand out performers when players start discussing this type of moronic , ignorant hate speech? Obviously it's still an issue in the whole of the UK as in the rest of Europe but it's a real shame that the club gets associated with it because of a cowardly social media message from a halfwit.
  8. My first match was on March 3rd 1984 when the Saints visited Pittodrie, and as I walked into the Beach End (I'm sure the away fans were in the Paddock) my nine year old breath was taken away by the vast green pitch and the supporters gathering pitchside in expectation. Both teams looked magnificent, and the team colours complemented each other, Dons in all red and the Saints bedecked in a super-cool black and white stripes (see below) with black shorts. The Dons won 2-0 with goals from Strachan and Hewitt; however, both teams left an impression on me that day, which was bolstered when I learned later that Fergie also managed the Saints before heading North. Well if the Dons don't win trophies then I'm just glad someone else does other then Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee. Unfortunately, that's where I am now with Scottish football. It's us against them...
  9. And there was me thinking that the Dons and Saints were old pals, exchanging good players and managers between us and generally looking after each other's backs and now we're taking punches below the belt from our old Buddies...
  10. Brilliant, no longer shall I be embarrassed by my holey socks, I'll just say it "helps with my circulation" when I'm navigating my way through airport security.
  11. Aye, the petrified look was after a particular incident where he got lucky so likely to be this one you mentioned, well remembered...
  12. You seem to have edited my quote into something more like what you wish I said, but it's Christmas so fill yer boots.
  13. It's just two different perspectives depending who you support and what your normal expectations are... St Mirren fans will enjoy the tight pack from 3rd to 12th because there's an opportunity to compete for 3rd which doesn't normally happen for them. For Aberdeen fans, rightly or (probably) wrongly, we expect to compete for 3rd every season (although it never usually happens), so the tightly packed 3rd to 12th risks us falling to the bottom of the heap.
  14. Hmmm, it didn't sound like a sacking was imminent when he defended Glass on Radio Scotland but I think Glass lasted another three months tops. Results will dictate whether Goodwin is fired or not. I feel like I'm constantly saying this, but an Aberdeen manager has a big month coming up. I fear the worse for him but let's see what he and his team can do to galvanise the side.
  15. My first two memories of Craig Gordon are: He suddenly (it seemed) appeared from nowhere to play against Bordeaux (I think) away from home, which was live on the BBC. I remember trying to see if it was the big Finnish keeper that had played against us at Pittodrie and then realised it was a kid. Then, I'm not sure if it was his debut for Scotland, but Scotland were playing Slovenia (I think) and it ended up 0-0 but I was in the pub watching it on the big screen and I remember thinking Gordon look petrified but he must've got through fine if he kept a clean sheet.
  16. Although different injuries, another Scottish goalkeeping great nearing or over his 40s in Jim Leighton had an inauspicious end to his career being carried off the pitch with serious injury. Hopefully he makes a full recovery and he isn't affected by this injury in his post-playing life. His 40th birthday is only in seven days time too...
  17. I've got the feeling it's the beginning of what, hopefully, won't be a long goodbye. It won't be long until the players chuck if they know the supporters don't want him and he starts getting criticised in the media. The cup matches against Sevco and Darvel loom on the horizon, Jim needs a couple of wins out of Killie away, Ross Co and St Johnstone at home to try and make the supporters forget a dismal week. Whatever happens in the short-term though, I don't think Goodwin will be Aberdeen manager this time next year. As you say, he's Glass marque II but Goodwin had a better squad at his disposal and had more funds available to him. He also needs to be man enough to accept he's wrong and drop Stewart. I suppose we'll get a glimpse of how Cormack feels about him in the January window. EDIT: Actually at the end of January he has: Sevco at Hampden Hearts away Darvel away Hibs away So the quicker he gets some wins the better I think...
  18. Big test for Jim...can he resist the temptation to pull everyone back to the 18 yard line and try and hold out?
  19. Paul McStay...the lad was tipped for the top after a Scottish schoolboys match at Wembley in 19oatcake but only managed to play for mid-table Scottish Premier Division team although he did a bag a League Cup runners up medal against Raith Rovers in 1994.
  20. I would say the tactics were embarrassingly shit for the last 25 minutes plus injury time.
  21. Blame the manager, it was he who started the negativity with his tactics against Celtic, and then compounded this with his apparent decision to re-purpose them again after 65 minutes against the Re-writers of History F.C when we were comfortably holding our own. ...that maybe so, but they didn't have their strongest XI playing on Tuesday night, their ageing goalie looks like he's given up on diving for shots, and we went into the final three minutes of the match with a 2-1 lead which we still managed to see overturned when we were playing a team that looked no better than a run-of-the-mill Premiership team. The last 25 minutes we seemed to be adapting our style because of who they were, not how they were playing that evening.
  22. Having faced Peterhead, Dumbarton, Stirling Albion, Raith Rovers, Annan Athletic, and Partick Thistle to reach the semi-final then Goodwin isn't overachieving, he's doing what we would expect given the amount he had to spend and the resources available to him in comparison to those teams. I doubt we'll be third in the league by the end of the year, let alone by the end of the season. However, 4th would secure Europe, so would take that for a first full season in charge. We've seen worrying signals over the course of the first half of the season, and especially in the last week, that Goodwin isn't capable of staying as Aberdeen manager over the longer term. I'm always amazed when a manager freeze players out when you should be working with the whole squad available to him. A good manager, in my opinion, should try to keep the squad in a positive frame of mind even with players that he may not see as having a long-term future at the club. You never know when you might need these players, and they should be kept match fit where possible, and with the carrot dangling that there is still a way back if you do the business on the park when the opportunity arises (and the opportunity should arise for all members of the squad). However, when he came in last season, he was quick to write off players and close the door early on any return to the team. This season he failed to give Lewis any minutes in the League Cup section, Ramirez could and should be utilised whilst we still have him in the squad, Vinny has disappeared. Even if he isn't happy with them off-field, it's up to the manager to get them back onside, make them feel wanted and give them that possibility of a return to action if the attitude improves (not that there seems anything wrong with the attitude of Joe Lewis). I think there's a lot to be said for squad harmony and everyone fighting for each other. Then Goodwin, after the Celtic game last week I think, said something along the lines that he didn't care what the supporters think. Even if you think that, to vocalise that thoughts again show a lack of control over his mouth. something he was already guilty at with the Porteous outburst and on a few other occasions. Then he said something about him being the manager and nobody's viewpoint mattered apart from his own. He needs to be careful because stubborn-ness, hubris and a lack of awareness about your own deficiencies and those of the players you 'like' or 'trust' has led to many a manager's downfall. I don't know the intricacies of their working relationship but Lee Sharp seems more like a dogsbody than a trusted coaching confidante to Goodwin. After my initial concerns that he wasn't the right man for the job and that he was employed with undue haste, I was guilty of thinking that he sounded good in front of the press and that he had some kind of vision. Fast forward eight months or so and I can't listen to him any longer. He annoys me and sounds increasingly like a clueless work colleague trying to blindside you with presentable patter. He's having a bit of a tough time over the last week but we'll see over the next few games if he can get the performances and results he needs from his squad. My gut feeling is that he's done a lot of damage this week with his relationship with the supporters, any lingering goodwill for Goodwin has evaporated, and that's almost impossible to repair.
  23. Oh, of course, I remember that game but never associated with Goodwin but, as we Dons now know, it's got his tactical nous written all over it... So he doesn't learn from his mistakes then, similar to his gaffer, Dave C... Goodwin is going to have to produce a miracle from somewhere before I can even listen to one of his interviews again.
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