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Everything posted by AJF

  1. Davies that was just back from injury and was fit enough for the last 7 minutes of the match. Are you seriously suggesting he would start two midfielders at centre back alongside a 19 year old right back filling in at left back if he really had a choice?
  2. You say that as if we had a choice in the matter
  3. Haha, I meant it in the sense that Leverkusen didn't look like they were really taking our friendly very seriously and were just using it to get minutes into players legs. So it was hard to tell how well we were actually doing. I'd imagine tonight's match will be completely different given it's a competitive fixture.
  4. Intrigued to see how Beale lines up in his first competitive match, and he has hinted he wants to go with 2 strikers. While it was a good 3-0 win against Leverkusen at the weekend, they didn't seem like they were up to much so tonight will be the first real glimpse of how effective his style might be.
  5. I completely agree. It was cringe to the max when I walked in and seen it. I was trying to make a joke about your (presumed) typo about your mates scratching your head rather than their own!
  6. I agree it was tinpot to the max, but why were your mates scratching your head?
  7. Not particularly, no. There have definitely been occasions Celtic have went out their way not to mention Rangers by name. The Old Firm is another which I’m not really fussed about whether they use it or not.
  8. No, I’m comparing it to your entire club. As far as I am aware, Celtic have went out their way to avoid saying Rangers name for years. I’m sure you’ll correct me if I’m wrong.
  9. Is Drew behind all those spam University threads that appear in the mornings?
  10. I mean whole merry-go-round debate where people determine you're a bigot based on made up "evidence".
  11. According to wiki, our average home league attendance in 12/13 was 45,744.
  12. I don't really disagree to be fair. And I wasn't saying that each player should be valued at £6m, I was more getting at the fact you focused solely on the negatives and overlooked the positives when commenting on Kamara but focused solely on the positives and overlooked the negatives when commenting on Giakoumakis.
  13. Well, it is entirely dependant on how you spin it, isn't it? You could go with the version you've went with, or you could go with "a guy who was instrumental in helping his team reach a European final earlier this year, has 48 international caps and was recently named their player of the year is somehow the same price as a guy who has never been a regular starter in his current side, has only 11 international caps to his name and is refusing to sign a contract extension in order to force a move away". Not to mention Kamara is also younger. They are both pretty extreme comparisons that overlook the other variables that you mentioned. It depends on what you'd like to emphasise to make your point.
  14. I don't think Hearts' sectarian issues are THAT big to be fair, mate. Anyway, I'm kind of done with this now, and in general.
  15. My point being though, his claim was that the evidence pointed to me being a bigot simply because I am a Rangers fan. Nothing else whatsoever other than the fact that the team I support has a sectarian element. Yet when it’s pointed out his own team has a sectarian element he vehemently denies that it is in any way similar. Simply because of the scale? Why can’t I choose to support Rangers for the same reasons that he chooses to support Hearts?
  16. That’s my point you just admitted Hearts have a sectarian element yet you choose to support them regardless. Fly with the crows eh.
  17. You’re mental. The evidence you have of me being a bigot is the fact that I support a club that has a sectarian element to its support. However, the fact that you support a team you have admitted has a sectarian element to it leads to a different conclusion? You know absolutely nothing about me yet here you are declaring me a bigot. You’re absurd.
  18. Seems like a lot of excuses there. If you are expecting me as a Rangers fan to quit supporting my team because you believe I should choose to blank people who may be bigots or are happy to be surrounded by bigotry, then surely you can see the irony if you yourself are choosing not to blank the same kind of people? You make the excuse that it would have “a negative impact on your life” if you did so. Would that not apply to me as well if I blanked friends/family/colleagues etc simply based on the team they support? I am also assuming that you would not contest the fact that there is a sectarian and bigoted element within the Hearts support? You are portraying yourself as better than me because you’re a Hearts fan
  19. I find it odd that someone would judge a person based on the team they support, categorising them as "either an out-and-out bigot or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry" when they themselves, by their own admission, are happy to be surrounded by mates/acquaintances/colleagues/family etc who they believe to be "out-and-out bigots or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry". If you truly believe all Rangers fans are "either out-and-out bigots or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry" then surrounding yourself with these people surely removes any pedestal you think you are on?
  20. Positive news we are looking to tie him down long term. He has had a bit of a baptism of fire due to injuries and swapping central defensive partners almost weekly. Obviously quite raw and rash at times but he is very comfortable with the ball at his feet and looks to have good potential.
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