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Everything posted by AJF

  1. Is it just me that finds the shadow of the camera side stand lining up perfectly parallel with the touchline oddly satisfying?
  2. Goldson’s range of passing is quite excellent
  3. What are the lyrics of flower of Scotland again?
  4. Fair enough. I’m not sure a song about fending off foreign invaders would be considered racist, but maybe there’s more to it than that.
  5. Why does that particularly annoy folk?
  6. Aye, I know your opinions are more than fair and I find myself agreeing with what you say 9 times out of 10. Just the Sakala chat wears me down
  7. I don't though. I just say what I see there are plenty out there that could be criticised. No mention at all of Kamara losing the ball in his own box rather than hoof it which actually led to a goal. But Sakala made a misplaced pass.
  8. Like I said, I’m not disagreeing, it’s just tedious. Especially when you go out your way to criticise him and not others.
  9. I’m not disagreeing with your opinion though, it just becomes tedious when it appears on every single Rangers match thread
  10. We honestly get it that you don’t rate him. You’ve said it enough for a lifetime.
  11. This is the last thing we needed before thursday, chasing an extra man for the best part of an hour.
  12. Ally McCoist getting a bit excited there. Yellow was right, I’d be raging to get a red card for that
  13. Aye, red card. Over the ball studs up.
  14. It was a wee joke mate. Don’t take things too seriously.
  15. This commentator is absolutely clueless about the league positions
  16. To be fair I thought it was the assistant that flagged goal kick when Beaton originally went corner.
  17. Sad news to hear that Andy Goram is currently in hospital battling cancer. Wishing him and his family well.
  18. I've normally thought 2 transfer windows should be given to each manager in a new position. If there is still no improvement after that then it's time to move on.
  19. You then sacrifice his wide play and defensive work rate helping Bassey/Barisic which has been excellent in Europe this season.
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