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Everything posted by AJF

  1. I haven't refused to call them an anti-catholic hate group. You never even asked me to do so, so how can I refuse to do something that hasn't been asked of me? Similar to Boyd, I never called it out because I didn't need to. Boyd criticising the actions of Griffiths for waving a tri-colour is not comparable whatsoever to sectarian insults. He also never abused him for waving an Irish flag, he said he faced karma for all the incidents he had been involved in - waving of said flag being one of them. That is not anti-Catholic or anti-Irish abuse. I made my feelings clear on the OO and religion in general, yet you say I fail to call it out when you are the one deflecting from sectarian singing today? Very rich.
  2. I'm not legitimising anyone the OO is largely full of a sorry bunch of p***ks that think like cavemen, but you cannot deny branding someone an OB is sectarian because it is literally an insult based on someone's perceived membership of a religious group. If it is not sectarian, why would Boyd be associated with the OO other than he played for Rangers?
  3. I don’t want it to be anything, I’d rather religion was chucked in the bin altogether, I don’t believe in god. But whether you like it or not, insulting someone based on their perceived membership of a religious group is sectarian. It is not attacking Boyd based on the team he supports, his appearance or what he says. It is literally attacking him based on a perception that he is religious.
  4. Branding someone an OB is insulting them based on their perceived religion and perceived membership of a religious institution. It’s really that simple.
  5. Celtic fans still pretending O B isn’t sectarian. Cute.
  6. I think it’s to do with them stealing Gerrard from us.
  7. But they’re not broadcasting to England. It’s looks as though they’ve had to introduce a new platform for people to use that specifically excludes English viewers.
  8. The Scottish FA literally requested that Scottish clubs geoblock live streaming in England. It has obviously come as a result of the English FA's broadcasting rights, but the decision was made by the SFA. You are looking for an issue where there is none.
  9. The guy that has a reputation for hitting the deck rather easily.
  10. It absolutely does it’s embarrassing
  11. I don't think people were saying he wasn't touched, it was the theatrical collapsing to the floor that was absolutely hilarious (not for the first time).
  12. I'm certainly guilty of it at times, although I thought I was doing a decent job here of objectively arguing my point of view
  13. Who am I meant to be excusing here? I've already said that fan behaviour needs tackled, I just don't believe strict liability is the way to do it and I've outlined my reasons why. If I were a fan of one of the other 40 clubs you keep mentioning raising the same points, would you have an issue with what I am saying? Because you seem very keen on painting me out as a Rangers apologist in this debate when I've reiterated, multiple times now, that I think fan behaviour needs addressed and that Rangers as a club are at the top of the list in needing to do so. And sorry, you are right - "little or no effect" is vastly different from "unaffected".
  14. I already explained why it shouldn't be a stark choice between strict liability or nothing at all. There are already avenues available to clubs to punish fans, it just need to be enforced better. You also completely misconstrued why I offered those examples. It was not to offer them as a comparison to my own clubs' fan behaviour at all. I've always maintained that there is an issue with fan behaviour at rangers. Those examples were used simply to contest your assertion that 40 of the 42 senior clubs would be unaffected if strict liability came into force. It's simply not true at all. If you are happy to be punished for the actions of strangers then that is where you and I differ. I believe action should be taken against the individuals rather than the collective. I'm happy to debate the merits of it, but not if you are going to paint this as some kind of deflection from my own club, which it isn't.
  15. I'll take your word that he was antagonistic in his approach to Petrov, but could you say that was due to his membership of a particular group? If someone that is biased to the extreme and heavily opinionated is considered bigoted then I think I will need to change my own behaviour.
  16. If it's the reported £10M they'd need to pay, then I'd hope so. Not because I don't think he is a good player, but it would mean they'd effectively be paying that without actually improving their squad from this season.
  17. "bigoted /ˈbɪɡətɪd/ adjective obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group." I did not see him last night, but everything you mentioned seems to lack any prejudice or antagonistic behaviour towards people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
  18. Sorry, but all of that just comes across as someone who is biased, not bigoted. Surely to be bigoted he would need to display prejudice against a group of people?
  19. But it's not a stark choice between doing nothing or strict liability. Clubs need to improve how they deal with these situations, none more so than my own. They have the power to take action against fans themselves (in conjunction with the police), they just need to get better at doing it. Your claim that strict liability would have little or no impact on 40 of our senior clubs I find a bit of an empty claim given some of the incidents we've seen over the years (one as recently as a fortnight ago): Dundee United fan, 35, charged with ‘assault’ after incident with Aberdeen’s Funso Ojo Hearts ban 'racist' fans after abuse of Motherwell star Christian Mbulu Motherwell announce ban for fan who threw missile at Rangers star James Tavernier Hibs fan who confronted Rangers captain James Tavernier on Easter Road pitch jailed Aberdeen fan banned from matches for striking Hearts player with microphone All of those incidents would likely be punishable under strict liability measures, regardless if the club take action or not. Would you seriously feel it is reasonable that you are punished for the actions of an idiot who is either short of a few braincells, steaming drunk or both?
  20. Probably still finish above Hibs, tbf.
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