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Everything posted by AJF

  1. I don’t know, but I don’t have any experience in the football industry and it’s not my job to know. I’m not sure what I said was ground breaking though, do you disagree? Comparative countries (population wise at least) are decades ahead of Scotland.
  2. That may well be the case, but my question would be this: Presumably Celtic have had countless Catholic players represent them over the years. Why would Lennon be targeted specifically with sectarian abuse where others weren’t?
  3. What kind of abuse did he receive though? I’d take your point if he received sectarian abuse, but what was it that you keep referring to?
  4. After being given a plethora of reasons as to why Neil Lennon is a very unlikeable person, to suggest anyone that doesn’t like him harbours a sectarian grudge against him is mental.
  5. The biggest factor in the decline of the national team is that other countries have invested heavily in coaching and youth development and left Scotland trailing.
  6. Out of interest, what kind of treatment did Lennon receive from fans when he first joined Celtic that you mention? Was he targeted more than any of his teammates? I genuinely can’t remember him getting pelters until he started getting gobby. Of course, I may be mistaken given it was nearly 20 years ago.
  7. Have you been reading anything I’ve been posting? Clearly not otherwise you wouldn’t make yourself look foolish with comments like that.
  8. Oh well, that's all right then..as long as there's a reason he's getting more abuse... ooft Do you seriously believe that’s what I said? Of course not. I said he received more comments because he made more posts and responded to fans whereas the others didn’t. I never once said it was all right. This is typical of you from what I’ve seen of you in the short time I’ve been here. You can’t hold a reasonable debate for very long before you resort to baiting people and talking absolute nonsense
  9. Why has Goldson had more abuse then? Because he made multiple posts and replied to fans comments. The others, as far as I can see, posted their pictures but didn’t engage any further than that.
  10. Defoe, Tavernier and Aribo also posted - they are all black as well, why should they be overlooked?
  11. Because the abuse wasnt solely directed at Goldson like it was to Morelos? THANK YOU! It’s honestly like banging your head against a brick wall with Mr Romeo.
  12. To balance the argument, will you also be posting the countless messages from Rangers fans that support the players here? Or are you only interested in the ones that suit your narrative?
  13. Because the issue is far wider than Goldson. Every player took the knee and there were multiple of them that posted a message supporting Black Lives Matter and no doubt received similar comments that Goldson did. Goldson only received more attention because he spoke about it more openly with fans. The message from Rangers is clear, they support all the players that took the knee. If they narrowed that down to just Goldson then those players that also received similar comments would be made to feel overlooked.
  14. The whole incident stemmed from the Rangers official twitter account after they posted the photo and Goldson wasn’t the only player to write about it.
  15. A strong statement from Stewart Robertson addressing the abuse of Morelos and making it abundantly clear that the club do not welcome those that cannot support players taking the knee. A good statement that doesn’t miss its mark in my opinion.
  16. Correct it could be a blessing in disguise!
  17. You are brilliant any time I question something you say and you don’t want to address it you just skip over and move on to something else. It’s great.
  18. Deffo worth bombs and bullets in the post from Rangers* fans . I don’t recall saying that.
  19. Oh, there’s plenty I don’t like about Neil Lennon. He acts like a spoiled child when things don’t go his way. He is hypocritical in his defence of players that would draw criticism from him if the shoe was on the other foot. He is a bad winner, a worse loser and he goads and makes gestures towards supporters. Of course, Neil Lennon is not alone in displaying these behaviours, but it culminates in him being a very unlikeable person as others who display the same traits are as well.
  20. To add some balance to this, Rangers punished fans by refusing to take an away allocation for their match against Young Boys which was a direct response to a UEFA charge. It may not be “all” steps taken, but they did act.
  21. He’s just an unlikeable character. There have been many in football over the years, and he is just another to add to the list.
  22. December seems to be a very difficult month. For example, if Rangers were good enough to qualify for the Quarter final and make it to the group stages of the Europa League, we will he scheduled to play: 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 30th and 2nd of Jan. That is crazy haha.
  23. How can it be treated any other way than in isolation when I’m responding to the question asked in the specific post? I feel like I’ve tried to answer as many question from people as possible here. Yes, there are things that I would rather not get in to which I’ve already explained but I honesty think you singling out my response to a specific question and trying to beat me over the head with it is quite poor.
  24. Yeah I seen some of that. A lot of fans seemed to question why he was bringing up Rangers at a Black Lives Matter rally when he was not there representing Rangers, but I agree, that other responses highlight that more work needs done, no denying that.
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