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Rhys McCabe Hype Train

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Everything posted by Rhys McCabe Hype Train

  1. Pre-ordered, saw what was being said on twitter, and as yet haven’t even opened the game. Will probably wait until full release and most of the big bugs (player development, corners) have been dealt with. The player development bug was/is a game breaker. Players would only develop by up to a maximum of 3 points per attribute regardless of development method. Put the ky-bosh on the way I like to play. Compounded by SI admitting that they knew about it pre-beta release but still put it out there anyway.
  2. FC Edinburgh City Meadowbank Thistle were 11/4 on Saturday. Some money to be made certainly.
  3. Away win, Cammy Ballantyne red card and Airdrie ladies day to go down like a lead balloon. Another enjoyable Saturday to be had by all, I’m sure.
  4. Yer arse. Was and still is the best right back in the league. The problem is it’s going to take at least one party to say they were wrong, something that Airdrieonians hierarchy aren’t the best at. Takes the owner to say “made an arse of this” or Rhys to say “I’m not ready for this yet”. Can’t see either being forthcoming.
  5. This is it. The only saving grace would be in his Open Goal interview (which I be grudgingly watched) he said he committed to Airdrie for a few years and wanted to go into coaching anyway. So if he really is that committed, take a backwards step to being a player/coach and let’s get a manager in. Albeit, it’s not like there’s an exciting list of out of work managers waiting for a call. Kettlewell has a good job now, who would’ve been my choice in the summer, Stuart Taylor was a speaker at hospitality the other week. Kevin Thomson is enjoying a Renaissance with the media now so he wouldn’t be an option, then it’s down to the old guard of Hughes, Hopkin, McKinnon… none of these names particularly scream out “this is what we need”. Totally at a loss as to how this transpires, now.
  6. But surely there’s always going to be a running track round it? Which makes most grounds, unless they are 70,000 seat bowls, universally shite.
  7. That was horrendous. We are so slow, turgid, un-imaginative, un-dynamic & predictable, and we consistently gift the oppositions goals. Hopefully Clyde and Peterhead keep up their race to the bottom to lift us clear of any danger. I think it’s pretty clear that the “make McCabe manager so we don’t lose him” experiment has failed. But as previously mentioned by a number of posters we do not have an out, unless he steps back to a playing capacity only on his own. And the strips are rotten. And as for Meadowbank, whoever certified that as fit for league football needs their jotters.
  8. Going purely to say I’ve been so I don’t need to go again. No doubt another shoeing cueing an early departure and a visit to the nearby curry house for a Saturday evening meal and a number of light refreshments on the way back to the station.
  9. Was just thinking this very much feels like we’re Falkirk now. We’re one disastrous Q&A away from taking the mantle of League One’s Banter Club.
  10. This, this and so much this. It’s startling how far this team has regressed since the 6-0 home defeat to Edinburgh and I fear the same could be on the cards next week. Truth be told I’ll only be going to tick the new “ground” off, when it undoubtedly goes the way we expect I’ll be walking along the road and having a nice curry in Gautams. Have to echo the sentiments about fan interaction. Even when we had Murray, we saw maximum 1-1.5 minutes of interview with him pre and post match (I’m aware DTV+ subscribers get more) but the first thing he did when he went to Raith was a 20 minute sit down with the club media… when we unveiled McCabe it was the same, a two minute video full of sound bites. I don’t want to sling mud at the club media team as they are volunteers and I’m sure they’re being directed as such by the club, but why is everything so secretive? It all harks back to the deepest darkest seasons when there was such a disconnect between players/board/fans again. Suppose last season the board had it easy, with all of this masked by the amazing run we were on. But now the going is harder, what happens now?
  11. Not as ridiculous as appointing him in the first place and not assisting him with a suitable support structure. Extremely deflated after today’s defeat. Notably the amount of 5-10 yard passes that weren’t completed by our shitbag midfield, and add to that Jamieson doing his level best to do absolutely nothing other than throw his hands up in the air. McCabe’s spoken about making sure the signings are the right ones, well there were a good few wasted jerseys out there on that pitch today.
  12. On the bright side, that’s Calum Gallagher leading the division’s goalscoring charts. And to think there’s still folk within the support who don’t think he’s good enough.
  13. The one thing that occurred to me yesterday was that we don’t have a player in our team that could score from 20-30 yards. Any time our midfielders or strikers size up a shot from outside the box it ends up being a pass back… and this leads to us overplaying around the 18-yard line.
  14. With one crocked for an undetermined period, one’s over 40 and can hardly run & the other 18 and no confidence, this is the first astute bit of squad building since they resigned Frizzell. Seems to have journeyed around the lower reaches of the English & Scottish lower leagues without ever really being number 1 anywhere. Presumably this is a short term deal to cover Rae’s injury.
  15. Not to go on about the strips, but it wouldn’t even have been that hard to align the sleeve design so the diamond could be undisturbed. Anyone have an idea of how sales have been?
  16. Crocked in a pre-season friendly. Has subsequently underwent shoulder surgery. As usual with the club no information given on how long he’ll be out.
  17. Still can’t get over how much of an own goal these strips are. There certainly are Airdrie people within the management of the club so question has to be asked what the sign off process on this was. Can’t imagine Football Nation will be too happy if sales are poor as they rightly should be and consequently the dip in revenue for the club.
  18. Away win by one or two, with an extra added for our honking new away kit.
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