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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. It’s not clear whether that’s in the form of a loan or a simple cash injection. You’d presume it would be some form of soft loan but it does not say one way or another.
  2. You’d presume so but it doesn’t say that one way or the other, the owner may well be funding the shortfall by way of soft loans against the club but could also simply be doing a Roy McGregor and writing the money off. Either way it’s still unsustainable and should not be allowed, it’s crazy there is still no form of FFP legislation in Scottish football whatsoever. Sooner or later clubs ran in this manner inevitably hit the buffers when the sugar daddy gets bored or runs out of cash.
  3. Doesn’t say if they are sitting with any debt or not, just says they ran at a 2.9 million pound loss.
  4. I’d take him in a second and your correct in that the goalkeeper is the one position we’ve not properly addressed this season although I still think there could potentially be a keeper in Hogarth if he can improve his decision making as he is actually an excellent shot stopper, he’s also at an age where time is on his side.
  5. I think the way McGlynn has been using the 4 of them has been perfect, it’s great to have those options on the bench and the 4 of them all keep the pressure on each other to perform. I’d be keeping all 4 if possible.
  6. Before Gary holt came in we were sitting top of the the league and grinding out results, the change of formation and dreadful January signings done us, holt apparently was even making appearances on the training ground! I actually think we would have managed to shit fest our way to promotion that year had holt not been forced onto miller and McCracken.
  7. Does he not still have another year on his Hibs contract?
  8. So I’ve went for Donaldson as well, much the same as everyone else as in it was a toss up between him and Morrison. One who hasn’t been mentioned by many for POTY I also considered was McIver, obviously notched a few goals/assists but it was more taking into account how important he is to how we play as a whole and as that focal point no other player in the squad can actually do the same job like for like for us where as I feel in every other position we do have players that can come in and cover or allow us to rotate the squad a bit. He’s totally changed the attacking dynamic in final third for us this season linking the play and bringing the best out of the three players up supporting the striker whoever they may be.
  9. You are either purposely avoiding the obvious or incredibly stupid as I’m certain this was all explained to you previously multiple times on here by various people, the club have a lease on the land which from memory I’m sure was actually for 175 years (it may have been 125) for which the club pays a grand total of £1 per year! We are not tied in to any lease regarding the use of the council owned top two stories of the main stand as we pay the council on an ad hoc basis for using the corporate lounges but are under no obligation to use these facilities should we choose not to. The club own the pitch, the seats, the bulk of the ground story of the main stand and the north stand so obviously use this free of charge. Sandy Alexander has the south stand which he rents back to the club. Now please stop spouting mis information, you are either one of these people who cannot accept when they are wrong or have some sort of strange hate agenda against the council. Either way it’s pretty tiresome now.
  10. Do you have trouble retaining information, seriously? The club are not tied into anything, we use the council owned areas of the main stand on an add hoc basis(the upper level corporate lounges and catering facilities) because we have no alternative elsewhere in the stadium, we do not “lease” these areas but pay a percentage of what profits there are from club run hospitality on match days, the club already has outline planning permission (already approved by the big bad council) for a stand with corporate catering facilities on the east side where obviously we could in theory operate independently on corporate hospitality and functions ect, financing it is the issue not the council! There is no council veto and this has been explained to you a million times already on here.
  11. It’s pretty clear the club so far under fan ownership is being better run now both on and off the park than it probably has been for the best part of 20 years, bearing that in mind and while it’s obviously not a priority there could well be unexplored options regarding a 4th stand or structure over that side of the stadium that could be done either cost neutral or within a budget potentially generating the club an income 7 days a week longer term and/or allowing us not be at the mercy of council charges for use of the corporate catering areas in the main stand. Despite not being an immediate priority it definitely should be part of the clubs longer term thinking and should not be swept aside as an afterthought.
  12. And can you remember the clamour for McGlynn to be sacked, imagine if the club had actually went for the knee jerk reaction and done that? Would we be sitting as champions at the moment?
  13. Tell me you’re stupid without actually saying you’re stupid.
  14. Can you show me these multiple Falkirk fans that have said this? I’ve read back and can only see the one poster who was corrected as being confused with Cove and Hamilton having higher budgets, not Queen of the South.
  15. Well you’d be wrong then, there remain players at cove still on part time contracts earning more than any of the full time players in the division. Whether the wages are supplemented by the clubs owners or not is pretty irrelevant to be honest.
  16. Directly or indirectly players are being paid by the club and/or by individuals and directors who own the club, the people running cove are actually quite open about it. It’s does not take the brains of Britain to work out what is going on up there.
  17. What do crowds have to do with it? Look at the money Queen’s Park are spending, or Gretna before them ect ect. The list of Scottish clubs that have been able to spend outwith their means is endless.
  18. Both Cove and Hamilton are operating higher football budgets than Falkirk, this was confirmed by their own directors at TFS. In fact there are players at Cove still on part time contracts earning more than any of falkirks full time players.
  19. Anybody who thinks McIver (or any of our front 4 for that matter) isn’t good enough and won’t improve further again under McGlynn hasn’t been paying attention. We will of course strengthen but I’m pretty certain all these players mentioned will hit the ground running again next season picking up where they left off and yet again make some of the nae sayers on here look stupid! Most of the clubs already in the championship would bite your hand off to have these players! we should enjoy!
  20. Most of the teams in that championship would bite your hand off to have a front 4 players like ours! Finding players that would be an improvement on any of them next season is going to be extremely unlikely.
  21. Hamilton and Cove were both reported to have been operating with a higher football budget that Falkirk but I don’t think queen of the south were and I doubt that would have been the case anyway.
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