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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Where are you getting this? Not read one single post suggesting making 26k is some sort of coup. If fact I’d say the narrative has been quite the opposite, 26k is a drop in the ocean, be lucky if it even covers a players wage for the year. Under normal circumstances a tie at parkhead could easily be worth 200k to the club, that at least in some way compensates there being a higher than usual chance of being knocked out. In an ideal world we get a more winnable tie but life’s not perfect unfortunately.
  2. I’m guessing we’d be better off not being chosen for TV in that case and getting our split of the gate/PPV money instead?
  3. That’s a pretty paltry sum, the club would have earned more had the game not been televised and the gate/PPV money split in the normal way.
  4. Is that confirmed? Surely we get an additional payment for the game being broadcast on TV then?......does anybody know the figures?
  5. I presume the PPV money is split 50/50 in the same way the gate receipts normally are for cup football? If we can beat Arbroath at least it’s a decent pay day for us, although I’d rather we had a more winnable tie.
  6. No argument from me who the real villains at the club were, Hartley also being one of them (some people seem to want to give Hartley a pass here) I was merely pointing out the facts, it was Hartley himself who put the club in touch with Mitchell and absolutely no players were signed without Hartley having the final say, no player was “foisted” upon him as some were trying to suggest. Hartley is every bit as responsible for the demise of our club as the former BOD members you mention and thankfully was removed with the other two to follow him out the door soon after.........also the “Edi” patter is chronic by the way. People on here know who I am.
  7. That’s exactly how it was and yes your right, Ross County did give him a glowing reference.
  8. You do realise it was Hartley himself who put the club in touch with said “super scout” It was the same scout he used to identify Yakubiak , Nelson and Robson in the previous January window, Hartley had a working relationship with Richard Mitchell long before he came to Falkirk. This guy wasn’t “foisted” upon him in fact it was quite the opposite. The final say on who we singed was always with the manager despite the club having employed Mitchell to take an active role with identifying players from the English leagues and academy system. He later then left the club along with the rest of Hartleys coaching staff soon after McKinnon was appointed and decided he wanted his own people in having no use for a full time scout, instead proclaiming he already had a “vast network of contacts” (or words to that effect) south of the border.
  9. I must have missed that then, I’ve mostly only read doom and gloom
  10. Who are these people that think we are good?! I’ve yet to see a post from anybody suggesting this!
  11. Patrick should contact the people at Montrose for advice on how not to behave like a diddy club
  12. I wouldn’t hand your money over, wish I hadn’t bothered now. We’ve been conned
  13. I wouldn’t hand your money over, wish I hadn’t bothered now. We’ve been conned
  14. Tried calling the support number provided via the receipt email also but just rings out, absolute shambles!
  15. Yes, not working for me either! Poor show to be honest, Montrose TV worked without a hitch for that away game
  16. No idea where the QOTS pitch came from, ours was definitely from a Dutch company and was very well received even by the opposition when it first went down. It would make sense to use the same company again
  17. The Dutch one we put down initially seemed to be very well received and got a lot of plaudits all be it it’s now becoming a little tired nearing the end of its life span. I’d be happy if we went with the same company again so we know what we are getting regarding the quality.
  18. Not sure if it’s ideal to be training on 4G then playing on grass come Saturday, then there’s also how to fill the shortfall in income the pitch generates through events and pitch hire. Ultimately these decisions effect how much we can spend on the playing budget ect. We’d also have to look at re-installing undersoil heating. When you weight up the pros and cons it doesn’t really make financial sense to revert back to grass unless we were an established premier league club with the income that entails.
  19. Was said at the AGM pitch still has another two seasons life span so will be replaced after that. I doubt we will see a move back to grass especially if there are to be increased numbers using the pitch with talk of a new youth set up being implemented, added to that the club would loose the additional income the 4G pitch currently generates and would have to find a base to train from in the winter months. It’s only the “carpet” that is replaced apparently on these 4G surfaces keeping the costs down. It’s not another full re-lay as it is when the surface is first installed.
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