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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Interesting, where is he off to? Presume he’s been having a good season for them? (I’m almost certain the club will have 10% as was the case with most of the players we sold in that period)
  2. Club have been put in a tricky position here at late notice, I’m happy with the explanation Jamie Swinney has given as to why it needs to be on a first come first serve basis, don’t see how else it could have been done in a way that can accommodate family bubbles, parents or adults that sit with young children or careers who perhaps take an elderly or partially disabled fan to games. A random ballot would cause to much disruption to that with only 380 tickets available. If it is to be a long term thing hopefully the club can get the heads together and arrange a way where all season ticket holders have an even chance of a ticket going forward rather than just first come first serve, perhaps removing anybody who is successful in getting tickets for the Clyde game from the next ballot or something to that effect.
  3. Think you’ve missed the point. When Austin was with us we were competing at the top end of the championship hence the reason he never quite cut it.
  4. It’s irrelevant if Arbroath don’t want to loose him, if the new manager rates him he’ll be back at Falkirk unless Arbroath want to test the water with a cash bid and also pick up his full time wage, being a part time outfit I don’t see that happening.
  5. With the budget and full time resources available I find it hard to believe anybody could make us any worse! Surely the only way is up! Incidentally if you looked at the Wikipedia page mentioned you’d have seen he already has quite an extensive career all be it in America, also amongst Falkirk fans he is better known than you’d expect. He’s a local boy and a fan who’s name has been linked with the job periodically in the past most times it’s came up.
  6. One thing that can never be levelled at Falkirk is us being lucky! lol. When random shit like this happens it does always seem to happen to us! Just need to go win the re-match now. Ironically we should actually be in much better shape by then with Rennie getting his feet under the table, few injuries back and a few new players in.
  7. Looks like possible 4-3-3 to me martin Williamson McKay hall Dixon telfer Miller Nesbit morrison keena mcguffie
  8. Bairn for life joined with the FSS to pull there resources I believe, makes sense that money handed over buys the group shares rather than being merely a donation.
  9. As a fan it’s actually quite a nice thing to receive as a gift, I was given some shares many years ago as a present from my parents and have since added to them. At the time the club made up a framed and named gift like share certificate. I presume they’ll still do something similar.
  10. Easy and most effective way to do it in my opinion is to join one of the fans groups, either the patrons or the FSS depending on how much you want to invest. Out-with that the club still has a large number of unsold shares going at 40p per share, contact them and by some, dead simple. I’m sure they have a minimum investment of something like £400 for people buying shares individually but don’t quote me on that.
  11. The patrons group have elected two members to represent them on the BOD and will let them get on with the job, personal individual views on every single issue are irrelevant. They two guys in place are trusted to make decisions best for the club.
  12. Perhaps your right, You may have stumbled on a good idea here, setting percentage targets publicly for fans to hit regarding ownership by a set date may help encourage folk. I know Stuart Adam is a member on this forum so will most likely pick up in this.
  13. I don’t think anything is set in stone, we have no idea who may stand in these elections come March and what there views may be. Although I’d suggest before the FSS can start having proper influence it needs to buy and secure it’s shareholding in the club to equal the patrons group and the Rawlins. It can’t do that without members
  14. The two temporary guys have been fast tracked into the board, I don’t think it’ll be properly democratic until the elections in March, nor will it be on paper until the FSS achieves its goal of 26%. Also until the FSS has at least a 20% shareholding it is actually possible(very unlikely any of the new blood within the club at present would commit such suicide) for the two directors to be removed. A 10% shareholding guarantees a board seat, the FSS needs to play its part and become a full partner here by actual owning a part of the club and not just being given a voice as a gesture.
  15. Again, what do the current BOD have to do with the setting up of the FSS. The point of setting up a fans group is to relay and push our views within the club, it can’t do that if it doesn’t have any fans/members signed up. The bigger the membership the bigger the influence. Setting up a supporters trust is a way to give us as fans power over the very decisions you mention (I.e.Holt) however it only works if fans actually bother to sign up.
  16. How are the FSS expected to make any real change or have proper influence if it has no members tho?! Chicken and egg thing here, very frustration some can’t see that
  17. I don’t see the relevance of the new BOD to the FSS as a fans group? It’s the idea of fan ownership and democratic decision making I signed up for, for me it bares no relationship to who may or may not be sitting in the BOD or employed by the club at present. Setting up a supporters trust is a way to give us as fans power over the very decisions you mention however it only works if fans actually bother to sign up.
  18. Politely, I think your missing the point, if 2000 members sign up and a majority wish to elect representatives that indicate they’ll push to remove Gary Holt then that’s exactly what will happen.
  19. They have the right to elect members or indeed stand for election themselves to the BOD who will make decisions on how the clubs money is spent on they’re behalf. I don’t get the logic behind not joining due to Gary Holts being employed, if I felt that strongly regarding Holt I’d be wanting as many like minded fans to join the FSS for that very reason and make they’re feelings known, the whole point in a fans group like the FSS is strength in numbers so issues like this (amongst others) are forced and represented giving us fans a proper voice. I am starting to think some people my be using this Gary Holt thing as an excuse, the argument is a bit flimsy at best.
  20. I more or less share your view regarding Holt but I just don’t get how you think not joining the FSS helps achieve your goal of him being removed? Surely the best way to get rid would be join and then elect members to the BOD that feel the same and will act accordingly? The FSS is a fan group, a separate entity to the club that will hopefully in time own a large shareholding in our club therefore having the power to take/influence big decisions and also have the cash to help finance them but that only happens if we have enough members subscribing. The smaller the membership the smaller the level of influence fans have, the larger the membership collectively the more influence and sway the fans group will have.
  21. If that’s the majority view wouldn’t it make more sense to sign up now and actually have a vote come the elections in March? Surely that’s the only way we can get like minded people into the two director positions as opposed to merely shouting from the outside. The way I see it if fans don’t sign up to the FSS and give the body clout/influence the less likelihood of change there is, the more members and money the FSS have directly translates into a larger shareholding in the club therefore the more influence the group will have over decision making.
  22. This is more or less what my thoughts were exactly regarding Holts position and the DOF set up, I agree between Jamie Swinney and Fergus his role should already be covered however while he’s under contract the club may as well utilise him in some way. The new board are just in the door and perhaps taking a breath and staying calm is the best option, review everything at the end of the season when the permanent FSS directors are elected. Pending how Holt performs, our new manager performs and which league we are in it probably makes sense to wait until then before making any structural changes. I’m guessing the financial picture will be clearer by then also with there being a few unknowns at the moment in that regard as we still don’t know how many fans are going to sign up to the FSS, nor have the Rawlins indicated if they intend on topping up they’re shareholding to retain the 26% as they had suggested they may do. If we remain in this league it will almost certainly be a year where we incur loses so building up cash reserves via external investment becomes vital.
  23. Has there been any word on whether our new manager is in the country yet and if he’ll be at the game today?
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