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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Is there something in specific they have done you feel they need hounded out for?
  2. I actually thought that was an excellent statement, seems genuinely heart felt but with a systematic plan in place. Then I come and read this crazy hysteria from certain posters on here over a couple of lines that I 100% agree with, of course the board will be required to make unpopular decisions at times! If they become narcissistic and treat it like a personal popularity contest they won’t be doing they’re jobs correctly. That doesn’t mean we are going to sign DGW!…..how people can read between the lines to that extent seems absolutely mental. It just becomes a bangeagon, one poster lights the touch paper and all the sheep follow.
  3. Long term I think something like this would be ideal, we don’t need the extra capacity but something moderate with a standing terrace the fans would enjoy and facilities inside to generate income would be a nice long term objective which would benefit the club, the fans and the foundation. The foundation had looked at government funding for plans to build a small double sided stand with seats looking out on to the new 4G pitch as well, apart from all that something on that side would also improve the look and atmosphere of the place! All this is of course way down on the priority list at the moment however.
  4. Another one who has completely missed the point. Referencing Hearts new stand was an example of how fan ownership benefited the club, we’d obviously be free to use any potential financial gain as a club in which ever way we deemed appropriate. I’ve zero interest in going over ancient history and whether or not the stadium partnership was a good or bad deal for the club at the time. I prefer to look forward.
  5. The Big problem with fan ownership is people threatening to pull out for anything they think is wrong. If you play that Ben Hall again I want nothing to do with the club. I am not paying that diddies wages. Sounds far fetched but this can happen I agree but there are examples of other clubs having a fan base that have pulled it off successfully be it either joint or full ownership.
  6. The Hearts for life scheme is actually £20 a month I think, which makes the 9k members even more impressive. It’s totally transformed that club and built a brand new multi purpose state of the art stand as well, I’d like to think in the long term we could achieve something similar relatively but reading some of the comments on here I’m not sure if our support can see the potential, understand the separate identity of the FSS or even have the will/appetite for it to work.
  7. Responses on that FB page to the story would suggest you might be correct here!
  8. You have completely taken that out of context! (I hope by accident so will give you the benefit of the doubt) I’m not referencing the DGW thing specifically at all as I don’t believe he’ll be signing for us, it’s more a general point/ recurring theme in how people seem desperate not to support the FSS due to club issues which ironically the society could help resolve when it is fully up and running. Be it Holt, Gordon Colborn or the bovril being to hot ect. The FSS could become a real force for good within the club and a voice for the fans it’s just a shame some either can’t or don’t want to see that.
  9. I’m not involved but I realise the society is only in its infancy and is still waiting on building a shareholding and also electing permanent reps on the board, for this reason I’m guessing at present it’s influence may be minimal. The only way to change that is by making sure the FSS reaches its goal of 25% and actually has the clout both financially and practicaly to make meaningful changes, the only way that happens is if fans invest. If we spit the dummy at any little disagreement we have with the club and stop building that shareholding we’ll never achieve the type of fan ownership we crave. Some people just can’t see the wood for the trees unfortunately.
  10. 100% my thoughts! We need a strong supporters society to represent fans when matters like this arise. You do wonder if some just desperately look an excuse not to part with there £10 a month or is it not clear to people what the FSS is?
  11. Surely this would be the opposite way in which to have any effect on the situation! A strong supporters organising with proper shareholding would be able to lobby on behalf of fans and possibly block such decisions being made. When I read things like this I sometimes wonder if we deserve a fan owned club, some folk just can’t see the wood fir the trees.
  12. Why? I see it as the exact opposite, surely we need to make the FSS stronger in order to deal with these issues as fans not weaken it?!
  13. He also scored a belter against Airdrie, the raw ability is there with Kenna. It isn’t with Ruth
  14. Target off between 850 and 1000 members was mentioned at the AGM but obviously the sky is the limit. Morton was used as and example who recently became fan owned via a similar scheme, they have 900 members paying £10 a month toward the targeted shareholding. Remember the Bairn for life scheme/money is now also being converted into shares via the FSS so the actual membership total will be closer to 400 which is a very decent start.
  15. 100% Exactly this! if we want more control of decisions like this as fans our intentions should be to invest and gain that 25% shareholding the FSS needs, not do the opposite and dilute the fans voice!
  16. It’s a fantastic start but we still need more fans signing up, do you have a target membership figure or target timescale for the society to reach its goal of a 25% shareholding?
  17. Thats the patrons group, there is also the FSS which is set at a minimum £10 a month and accrues shares on your behalf with a one member one vote policy. They aim to own 26% of the club eventually and have 2 permanent BOD seats, it’s a great scheme, we have needed a properly organised fans group for a long time.
  18. I really think we need to try and make the promotion playoffs, it’s still a part time division and we do have money to invest. The full time status and training should hopefully benefit us more come the 2nd half of the season if Rennie can get the mix right. We can’t allow ourselves to just accept the status quo as a club regardless of our current situation in the league.
  19. It was both as all off them were present, FSS reps and new BOD (apart from Bateman who was unwell) circulating the room taking questions from fans.
  20. If this is indeed the intention I quite like it and could probably run with this, especially when the FSS have elected it’s two permanent members onto the board.
  21. I’m actually not convinced that’s the case, using social media or online forums as a guide isn’t a fair reflection. Most people /other fans I’ve chatted to tend to be open to the idea (to an extent)but wouldn’t put it out there to be shot down in an online platform. Im actually very on the fence with it as I can see the arguments both for and against, does a ex criminal post conviction/sentence deserve to be punished for the rest of his or her life indefinitely and actively prohibited from earning a living / contributing to society in some way? On the other hand the nature of said crime in this case is so disgusting you also can’t blame people for holding a long term grudge or not wanting to be associated to an individual with Goodwillies past. I’d like to know if Clyde for example actually took any hit in season ticket sales or overall gates after singing him, was there a genuine majority of fans so outraged they refused to go back or in reality was it more likely a very small percentage who no doubt loudly voiced they’re opposition on online platforms such as this?
  22. I’ve never heard of that ever being thing, no idea why you’d think that would be the case here
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