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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. I was under the impression there had already been an amalgamation/partnership of sorts between the two funds to combine the shares purchased?
  2. It is still early days but we do really need more fans to sign up, Morton have a similar fans ownership scheme with 850 members. Surely we can at least match that! Not sure what people’s excuses are now that Holt is away
  3. Clear what up exactly? What exactly have the new BOD done you class as a shambles? So far the decisions made I’ve actually been very impressed bearing in mind it’s only been just over a month since they were installed.
  4. I think the FSS has the balance about right here and have handled it well, conducting a poll was the only sensible way to factually gauge the members opinion on a topic that many seem to be expecting the society to act upon. However I don’t think it’s feasible long term for the society to be doing this sort of thing regularly and hope it is a one of, the members need to democratically elect our two board representatives and trust them to sit on the BOD on our behalf without some mini referendum every two minutes. I also don’t feel the committee as a whole should be privy to any sensitive information until it’s made public (as I’m glad seems to be happening) nor should the patrons group as a whole. Let’s let the people we have chosen to represent us get on with the job and give them our trust going forward in driving our club to where it should be. It needs that for the new ownership model to work, there may be some bumps in the road but everybody really does need to try and pull together before the club ends up eating itself alive and we would only have ourselves to blame.
  5. Agreed, the club need to put an end to the culture we had of sensitive information being leaked from within the board room, until the point there is something concrete to report things should remain confidential, it severely hindered the club’s ability to function as a business and looked amateurish. So far the new BOD seem to have done pretty well in changing that.
  6. I wouldn’t be unhappy at making my own personal vote public either however that’s not the point, any poll should absolutely be anonymous for the reasons I’ve already stated with every paying member having the right to vote unhindered whether they have a “backbone” or not.
  7. Glad we are in agreement any vote should rightly be anonymous then.
  8. Every individual is different, some are more reserved than others hence the reason most elections/polls/referendums ect are anonymous. If the FSS are going to canvas members in this manner they need to make it as easy as possible for people to cast they’re vote without any external influences or pressures, some more inward individuals/personalities need that and the democratic thing to do would be to cater to all manner of people, personalities and opinions within the membership.
  9. I think the option of anonymity makes sense, some people may be swayed or influenced in how to vote based on public perception, it’s good they can vote privately on whatever issue and in turn vote in a way that properly reflects they’re own person view.
  10. I’ve done the same and you can’t vote twice, luckily the vote shouldn’t have been comprised despite some halfwit on that Facebook page putting it out there for the world to see via a screen grab.
  11. My thoughts exactly! Glad there is a better understanding on here although it is worrying if that FB page is an accurate reflection of the overall fan base, at the end of the day it’s those fans the FSS need to engage if it’s going to meet its subscription targets needed to purchase the 25% shareholding the society are hoping for.
  12. The club are not having a poll regarding a potential signing no, happy to tell you that. However the FSS is canvassing its members via a poll so they can then pass on the fans/members views to the club BOD. Hope that clears it up for you.
  13. It’s a supporters trust that are canvassing the members/fans, not the club BOD.
  14. Exactly, hence the reason I said he was out of our league. I Also said Cummings and Lafferty (another two that had been suggested) are almost as far fetched however all three would still definitely make absolutely fantastic signings for us at this level despite one poster surprisingly disagreeing.
  15. Not convinced that’s the case regarding Goodwillie but I’ll take your word for it because I certainly wouldn’t know!
  16. No wind up, definitely on the heavy side in comparison to the players around him
  17. Just think he looks like he’s carrying a bit of timber any time he’s played against us, obviously not quite in a Mark Yardley way but in comparison to the players around him does look overweight physically. He gets away with it in this division because he’s so much better than most of the players he’s up against.
  18. Sammon wasn’t quite at the same level as these guys, if you look at his record bar one good season at Kilmarnock that got him his move he was consistently a striker who didn’t score goals.
  19. Don’t think I agree with that, all have ability that would see them stick out like a sore thumb in this division. Goodwillie manages to score 20 plus goals season in season out for very a poor Clyde team despite being obviously overweight.
  20. All the names mentioned, Lafferty or Cummings or Griffiths would all be fantastic signings to be honest despite having chequered pasts but I think all 3 are probably out of reach for us at the minute while we languish in this division.
  21. Have you ever given the club your email address or do you rely on postal? You can contact them and update your details, I done exactly this and receive all the emailed communications now.
  22. On the flip side (hypothetically) the FSS would be the best vehicle for its members to to overturn or change anything they disagree with within the club with it eventually having two elected reps on the BOD. The membership elect these reps to speak on there behalf, the stonger the FSS is the stronger that voice becomes, however I do understand some might take the view of just chucking the thing totally and giving up/losing interest. It depends how invested you are in the club emotionally or other wise I suppose in where an individuals breaking point is.
  23. If I’ve I misinterpreted your suggestions regarding FSS then my apologies, I just don’t understand why the need to even bring up the suggestion of keeping your money in or out as I don’t see how it is relevant to the David Goodwillie debate.
  24. The FSS only make up 25% of the BOD so I tend not to conflate the two, after the elections there can be no argument the two reps who have been elected by the fans are there democratically to speak for us. To that end it would be counter productive not to invest in the FSS specifically if the BOD are taking decisions you disagree with as it is your only route to replacing the decisions makers within that board with people you agree with. Why you’ve brought up the FSS I’ve no idea……As to your point about the board not quashing a rumour reported in a tabloid newspaper I’m in agreement with shadwell, it’s storm in a tea cup stuff over a throw away story that I seriously doubt. I don’t think it’s the BOD’s place to be dishing out club statements every two seconds on stuff like that as Mr Deans always done which to me always seemed was in self promotion of his own name and profile for his own personal ends and not benefiting the club, it’s something I did not like. You obviously disagree with that which is fine, I’m not going to loose any sleep over it.
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