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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Whatever anybody’s individual thoughts are re management or changing the tea lady I just think it’s clear the best way to have them represented and acted upon is as a fans collective opposed to a lone voice. It’s the same reason large workforce’s join a union , strength and influence in numbers.
  2. Surely the best way to remove Holt would be to join a fan ownership movement and force him out?
  3. Ronnie Bateman wasn’t on the previous board but was working for the club as secretary
  4. I understand the reasons why elections had to be postponed until May with regards to the two FSS directors, the supporters society hadn’t property launched yet and a temporary appointment had to be made. However if you were to join today you’ll get the chance to elect two permanent BOD members in 4 months time. Incidentally the patrons group which is also a fans group did have democratic elections to select both Kenny Jamison and Keith Gourley (both of whom I rate highly) who will now remain on the board permanently for 3 years unless a vote of no confidence is passed which I believe requires 75% of the membership.
  5. I also have shares from previously but always felt them pretty useless in isolation, however as a collective within the FSS or patrons group small to medium sized shareholders actually count, the target is 26% shareholding. That gives fans an actual say and as I said previously if I decided I wanted some form of change at the club the best way to achieve that would be by investing in one of said fans groups either be it the patrons or FSS and using that platform to elect the leadership I felt best fitted our club.
  6. Again tho, if you didn’t believe the right leaders were in place wouldn’t you want the option to elect new ones? You can only do that from within by investing in one of the fan ownership groups. The system is in place now and there is an actual mechanism where by normal fans get to choose who leads the club but we can’t do that by not embracing it, sitting on the sidelines complaining achieves nothing but owning a share in the club can.
  7. Not trying argue at all here but surely if you wanted to force some from of change the best way to do it would be to invest in either the patrons group or the FSS and have an actual vote where you can now literally enact change from within either by standing as a candidate for a BOD position yourself or voting for a person you feel shares your views?
  8. They have literally been in the door 4 days! Also Gordon is a fan the same as you or I and would have been speaking in that way, not on behalf of the club, him speaking on a Graeme Spiers podcast has nothing to do with the “new regimes” running of the club. The patrons group voted for two of its members to take board positions and it’s now up to them alongside the two from the FSS and the remaining BOD to make decisions on behalf of the club, board meetings are totally confidential amongst the directors until they have something to report to us all as fans and that’s the way it should stay. Loose lips and gossip from within the club is something that done harm via the previous regime. The fact that you or others already want to shoot the new incumbents down after 4 fucking days in the job is incredible.
  9. Regardless of whether Mitchell left a few weeks after Hartley or not it was most definitely Hartley that introduced him to the club and at no point was any player forced onto the Hartley by his own admission he had final say on every signing, buck stops with the manager here, there are no excuses…..…Anyway, have a nice day Paul. See you at the game on Saturday, hopefully Falkirk give your new team a beating.
  10. He also said no player would be brought in without him having final say, added to that the scout brought in was Hartleys guy (Richard Mitchell) having worked with him previously. There is no get out for Hartley here despite your best defence of the guy. Hartley had also used Richard Mitchel to source players for us in the previous January transfer window (Nelson, Jakubiuk, Robson ect) with decent success, it was after that the club brought the guy in semi permanently thinking he would do the same long term.
  11. Agree with BPM it’s good we haven’t had any leaks from the boardroom regarding the new manager as per usual, the fact the job hasn’t been advertised you’d presume they’ve approached a relatively small number of candidates for interview and will hopefully make a speedy decision suggesting it’ll be somebody with experience as opposed to another Sheerin type. Actually don’t think we have time to advertise and go through full due diligence, a steady hand to end of season with a view to it becoming permanent would be my hope.
  12. Said super scout was actually introduced to the club by Paul Hartley as well, despite the ineptitude above him in the board room Hartley made an absolute mess of that summer transfer window and it was nobody’s fault but his own.
  13. 100% this! The part time role Alex Smith operated was quite sufficient. Overseeing things and offering a footballing perspective to the suits upstairs. Player recruitment should be ran via a proper scouting system with the final decision being made by the manager, the youth coaching should be Ian Fergu’s department aided by part time coaches and volunteers. Our CEO should also be involved in overseeing youth development given his background. We really have properly over complicated everything costing the club a fortune in the process.
  14. Intention is to attract more patrons to the group and also encourage fans to join the FSS. Many of the current patrons group have indicated however they’d be prepared to invest more cash further down the line. Continuous external investment should not be the clubs long term strategy tho, the club needs to become self sufficient and we can’t do that in this division while still operating full time playing and youth squads. Investment is going to be needed to get us back on an even keel.
  15. Stuart Adam’s presentation of the FSS was impressive and was very open and honest. I really feel the template is there now for proper meaningful fan ownership but it’s only going to work if people sign up and we have ongoing investing, just under 200 members at present. I think for it to make a tangible difference we are going to need closer to 1000 signing up and paying the £10 a month to achieve both the ongoing investment levels and the required shareholding in the club. That same pitch from tonight needs to somehow be put to out to the wider fan base and not just the 100 or so at tonight’s meeting. More fans need to sign up and actually contribute to making a change as opposed to merely moaning and complaining on online forums.
  16. Its only “cavalier” if the clubs turnover and cash reserves cannot justify the expenditure. Unless something unforeseen happens I don’t believe that to be the case.
  17. Both Colborn and Wright actually apologised for what happed at the Q&A as well which is at least something. Deans and Mcfarlane really have shown they’re true colours!
  18. Yes, regardless of this Mcglynn still wouldn’t leave your lot so don’t know why so many seem to get there knickers in a twist.
  19. Not going to outright disagree here but what potential conflict of interest do you envisage? Considering the FSS directors are going to be democratically elected by the membership in the same way the patrons group directors are/will be, it does seem to be a bit of nit picking on your part. I am pretty sure however that both groups would be more than happy to put something in place where by a member of both groups can’t then put themselves forward for a position as director (if the wider memberships indicated they wanted this) but to be honest it does seem a bit pointless and could discourage investment from a fan prepared to pay into both groups forcing them to choose. We need to remember both groups are essentially just a bunch of fans handing over there own hard earned cash to the club in the hope of making a difference, it’s not like we have opposing factions trying to aggressively take over some multi national corporation here.
  20. I don’t understand why this would be an issue either? Why shouldn’t a fan be allowed to invest in both groups. A big part of the whole idea behind it for me is that it isn’t a closed shop and any fan prepared to invest should be welcomed with open arms into either group. If they then prepared to put themselves forward as a candidate to be elected to take one of the BOD positions then good on them provided it’s democratic amongst the membership as it has/will be.
  21. Only as a temporary measure for 6 months until the FSS membership is up and running so proper elections can be held. You could sign up and vote? or even put yourself forward as a candidate.
  22. Not sure why anybody thought a decision would be made today, surely nothing can happen before the AGM tomorow and the new directors are officially appointed.
  23. Your initial post wasn’t obvious you were being sarcastic. I presumed you genuinely expected the new directors to have turned things around in a matter of weeks which was obviously ridiculous! Still not actually sure what your point was as I genuinely haven’t read or heard any fans expecting this, most realise the new guys need time.
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