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Everything posted by Manifesto

  1. My work occasionally gets hire vehicles, and now have an electric small van on hire. Full charge and you'd be bricking it on a return trip to Inverness. What's worse is they were asking my opinions on electric outboards for the boats WOT is 20 minutes, they can get tae fuckity. * Get in the Sea is not the correct response in this instance.
  2. Nobody would recognise him from that, however if you're of a certain vintage you might from Agony (he's on the left)
  3. Manifesto

    The Expanse

    3 rollicking episodes to begin with , good Amos backstory too. Avasalara has the sexiest voice on television for certain, and she can curse with the best of them. And she's 68 (Defo Wid)
  4. Scotland 2018. 123 Arthur's born, compared to say Keith, of which there were two. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/babies-names/18/babies-first-names-18-table5.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiIsb2Sw9XtAhXNQxUIHQk1AZcQFjABegQIEBAB&usg=AOvVaw2XeDG41su9stib97xkoPb1
  5. Think you've been done... https://streema.com/radios/Perth_FM
  6. Well, if the theme is 'aint gonna see 2022' I suggest you go with that one.
  7. They always seemed sort of Beastly so not sure of comparison...
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-55280466 Boy takes a 4 hour trip on a jet ski to see his gf on the Isle of Man last Friday, he's from Irvine. Cunto had never been on one afore either. Jailed for 4 weeks.
  9. Otto Baric also deid, was the manager for Rapid for this game Cuntos got to the Final after it was replayed.
  10. And I defo got the 2013 one , captain Masao Yoshida put me home and hosed by the middle of the year.
  11. Shame you didn't pick him this year, deadly December points would've been had. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Armstrong_(ice_hockey)
  12. Not as many changes as I thought he might have made. Liking Soro & Turnbull kept.
  13. Not sure the Germans got it quite as right as you make out... Hard lockdown ahoy as cases go https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55292614
  14. Due on HBO on 3/1/21 but available elsewhere now, this looks cracking. Spanish language with subbies (getting the subbies is the hardest part until HBO launch then it'll be easy). Ex boxer priest who an exorcist, he's like a tooled up Constantine.
  15. In case you've not been watching latest Fargo season, Genny pops up in that as an Italian mob psychopath. He's typecast for life now.
  16. Is that the boy that tried to sink the Hospital ship at the start of the Virus? ETA, hmmm engine looks similar but no mention of 8 lane traffic in news report.
  17. General thoughts on the scholastic shitshow. There seems to be a desire to get school kids educated as much as possible this school Year. Why? The Primary kids can take the hit and not make a difference in 6/7/8 years time. The Secondary ones are desperate to get qualifications to see them into University. Which are going to be vastly oversubscribed in 2021 anyways, no matter if the Rona is ova, and if it isn't they'd be mad to go there. ** Added to the very large chance there is not going to be a welter of Graduate jobs if they do indeed graduate. ''Ruining their lives'' is for FB mentalists.
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